The Man Commandments" is a book on etiquette for the black man. I had my son read it and now he re-reads it along with other books his father has him read too. I have to admit, women can raise a boy fundamentally but his father and the men in his community help mold him. We do not pee standing up, we sit. Some little boys start out sitting because no man in the house to teach them "The Stance" and how to pee standing. Others become too chatty like their gossiping mothers charged with emotional problems. Much we see today is a direct correlation to who raised whom. You want your son to have manners and carry himself with decency, open his circle to men of virtue.
The author Siekiem Kontom does a great job listing ten "Man Commandments" he gives brief examples of. In the first chapter he talks about a man having a relationship with a Higher Power. My son VonRoss has a great relationship with The Creator. Just as he grows, I need help from his father, men of virtue in my community and the tools provided by these men who offer them. How can a man say he is great if he is not following as something or someone greater? Mr. Kontom, a great resource, is providing great, concise guidance!
The book above you see my son reading is a great book to give your son who is going into puberty. Have him re-read it through out the years and much soon after you purchase it. It helps their mindset develop in a healthy way. Keeping dialogue up about points mentioned and helps with bonding too. It can help a Mother-Son relationship strained and a way to find common ground to keep engaging with him.
I find my son did have questions and still asks me about some points in the book. I gladly do as the author suggested in a message regarding why I had him read the book, write down his questions to then ask him. My young gentleman is more incline to listen to me more now. I guess he feels mommy still guides him to great sources for answers. When he was little he would ask me questions about everything because I had most the answers. Yet now, he no longer asks about rocks or animals names, he wants to know about life. VonRoss did question what the author meant by "Black Love". He took it as being negative. Remember, he is young and the point to have him read is to help plant seeds. Those seeds grow well because men of virtue like the author exist. Great talking points in this book like, "What do you stand for?" The cliche "If you do not stand for something, you fall for anything" is a topic. Many guys today are easily swayed and it seems to be the norm. I want my son to understand it is not a good look to stand for nothing.
In the book he speaks on a man's dress and appearance reflecting his view of himself. Something my son will take serious for church, debate and formal engagements is how his appearance is. It can use some polishing which he is improving on, but he does have some of my spirit lol. I can be like come as I am attitude at times. Seeing how much my son is more interested in the well dressed men I follow gives me insight into his mindset on image. He first looked up to his Uncle Billy and his father when he found inspiration to dress up. When I showed him Mr. Siekiem Kontom's profile, he asked, "You really know him mommy?" I said to him no, not personally but I follow him @
author_siekiemkontom on Instagram. He also has a wealth of resource information he shares on his profiles I look forward to featuring on my new media website.
In all, I know only a man can raise a man. Women can instill fundamentals from a feminine perspective that helps a man's versatility. That is if he applies what his mother taught too. Men, understand men and I respect this order. I so respect this order to point I seek men's guidance on raising my son as single mother of three (one baby angel). I want him to grow into a man who protects women, builds great character and seeks continuous guidance to be the best in all he pursues.
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