My mom's ex man, Saul Erilus sexual abused me and my sister. A sibling who is his daughter called CPS on me. First off, did she tell them that she drops off her husband's daughter at my mothers house I now live at? She has been a thorn in my side since she was eight and I leaving her fathers place at sixteen. Back drop: At sixteen, my older sister Marie and I got into an altercation in which she stated I was lying to go live with my dad about molestation with other acts shared with family at ten. It started soon as my mother started dating this siblings dad around five years old. At that time many balls dropped, especially by Broward Sheriff's Office in Carver Ranches area now West Park. Never kept it a secret, but my once thought of as "Family" kept it covered. Fast forward, to altercation, BSO called and my father was told, either he take us or we will be put in Foster Care. My dad took us, his wife another issue for another post started filling his head with lies as to why I did after school activities and we got into an altercation. He hit me in the face and I held him up by his collar, called the police, and then walked barefoot two blocks to my then Pastor's house at sixteen. So since then I have been on my own. At times crashing at families house, in Relationships thinking marriage to learn cheating going on, and homelessness. Finally back at my mothers after an incident where a friend of this sibling I convinced my mother to take in shoved me in the kitchen provoking a fight. My mom comes asks me to be quiet, I go into room where we share a bed and lay there while this daughter of a pedophile calls cops and lies. I hear a knock on bedroom door, my name is called and officers tell me there was a call made and she did it. Lying saying I started the arguing. My mother kicks me out after I argue with her for not defending me and my telling her she believes her last child's lies. I move in with a highschool friend and more homelessness til recently. This past week she did it again, called CPS saying I leave my daughter with my mother which is not entirely true. If I work Construction or Longshorewoman work I have but ask my son to come over around 5pm or pay my niece to watch her if her dad cannot get her. They came past Tuesday saying allegations made she lives with me. Lies, I just got her visiting while father is contemplating giving me custody after another case that took it over anonymous calls. This sibling is one the new law on falsely calling Police should apply. She likes drama and is one with Narcissistic traits. After this last lie that had about seven officers outside my door has me seeking legal remedies. She says she is a Christian and cannot see it. I work hard, pay towards bills here when paid and only one working during the COVID19. Yet she with time on hands is playing with fire. After my own attempts to put her dad in jail thwarted by embarrassed supposed family, I see this country rather go after an innocent mother who does much against odds, deals with Plagairizing marketer who also does things to halt progress of brand HAY Online, and all I see this country truly protects liars with pedophiles. I am 38 and still a pedophile who was also known to do same to another little girl menaces my life. As they say, God don't like ugly and my mom took him from her best friend. We, her kids paid the Karma and why I am a way with keeping hands clean. He was able to take advantage of a Schizophrenic Effective Manic Depressive and her young daughters because I was not only child sexually abused. The other child lives a life apart and I do not mention out of respect if her wishes. But we spoke last week and told her I must seek legal remedies because this chic is doing too much over an argument had with my mother over repayments of two Lift rides. Week prior I needed to get to my Port Everglades job which I suffered a Heat Exhaustion. After noticing I was going to having a stroke because noticed shortness of breath and stop sweating, so left. My boyfriend picked me up and since working only inside jobs through People Ready. As all else who went after me, may this new bunch get their karma swiftly. CPS is garbage and they need to stop protecting liars. To have cops outside my door saying what was alleged I showed text of her threatening to expose the "Real Me" yet she is only delusional person. Her dope boy loving friend whom I convinced mom to stay here lie about so much but fail to see their lives are in turmoil because of the Nastiness. I am open about my trials to let those who follow know this brilliant girl goes through some shatty things. The difference now is I see since my first encounter with CPS over lies, three evaluations, services, tumultuous relationship with one who also exhibited Narcissistic ways still not holding himself accountable for his actions and listening to Royale L'radin words among many other mentors I must leave all toxic non growing relationships alone. I made my son block this lying no good aunt who is a disgusting human. Neither kids need to acknowledge her. Who knowingly lies to get kids put in a system known to have pedophiles and abusers? Only the shedevil she is. Forgive my ass on this one. She will do anything to tarnish my good name. My only solace is all who know me, know I am nothing alleged. Sad thing is many believe one toting family ties yet, I never lived with this lying defaming sibling since they were eight. Yet she has been putting my name in her mouth since. She is dead to me and as I prayed to God in 2016 to make all pay for lying and see to this day many dealing with their own Karma, I ask the same. Supposedly she is pregnant, her husband has custody issues himself in another state, and she failed to tell CPS fact she never cleaned here and other activities if they knew would have them returning her husband's visiting daughter back to whomever has custody in state he is from. They both are mental while supposed professionals all my life try to misdiagnose me based on me saying my mother has Mental Illness. I had the blues due to sexual abuse not mental illness and told this to professionals I now learn are part of a Mental Health complex I learn through my own experience is coming into black community as knights but really raking in the dough off things our white counterparts also deal with and medication not needed. As I did four years ago, I do now, let The Creator expose her lies, leave toxic so called family alone, seek mentoring from those who provide that have molded my new Mental Makeover and pray she pays for her lies. As said, "God don't like ugly." I pray Epstein's ex does not get murdered as bad this world becomes safe from liars using up tax dollars and seven officers hours to come to door and harass one they saw cleans this house. Even Interrogated mother said it and sadly my little girl was again photographed and interviewed. May her dad learn from his own dealings in first lying case to do right by her. Karma is a bitch and why I stay humble, live my life wanting better, blocking phony Haitians in a community of hypocrites and grateful for friends and few family who truly support me. The Creator knows my heart. I just am glad a new week, working next two weeks through People Ready close to home, got a new room they tiled last week, a smart daughter with son who know their mother is not what their nasty Aunt lies, and a supportive man who does not look down on me who prays for me. I am breathing, Goerge Fliyd is not and why I started #IfBlackLivesMatterThenWhyPodcast to discuss why our own #Skinfolk use Police as a weapon, ask for support the are not willing to give, and how is it a community toting unity rarely exhibits it? Just my thoughts and sharing for another who has been abused sexually, not supported by family they once were there for, women who are homeless with kids taken away, and Entrepreneurs looking for support to learn not coming from their own but strangers. Be strong and know a might higher powers hot this! Be love or be blocked out my life!
P.S. for one who calls and records our conversations, I blocked you because you also are toxic and always saying things over phone that are lies that hurt me and you know it while saying you respect me, want to fuck me, and when your money comes give. I only wanted networking ti help artists and interview you for Up and Comjng Moguls series. Yet every call you say things typical of men puffing chest and wanting a**. Women who come from sexual abuse need not entertain. So blocked and will do so across all channels. Now for Mornings At His Feet with Chisa Barrett reading of Matthew as part of a 28 week Entrepreneur Ministry. When you want better, you leave trash alone, let them be another man's treasure✌🏿 I have kids who need me, a mission to fulfill and many to share in my blogs most since these social Media platforms are being restrictive to some but reward Plagiarizing marketers. Great Sunday! #AquariusDawnNancy #Blog