"Don't get comfortable with the support you are receiving now; that support may be present just to help you get to the next level." - Royale L'radin
Working on my links for my old website that no longer is hayonline.net. Changing it to haitianamericannews.com , where I will share youth and entrepreneurs learned of who need exposure. All while making sure they use SEO practices we learn of that will help them come up in search.
Google offers free information about how to get your website optimized. Taking the time to read their Webmaster Guides helps tremendously. The cost to keep up and going through personal setbacks had me bow out for a minute. I am back and so glad Google updates are looking at content. Royale L'radin's quotes I share under HAY Online Quotes have been a go to lately. His quotes speak to me as well as resonates with others who read them. Right now doing deliveries as I get back on my feet. So much has changed with AI machine learning advancing so fast to offer business solutions that I must catch up while tend to links and Pinterest where I shared images of my Haitian culture shared on the website. Must do live case studies to see what is going on with search. Also need to figure a way with Uber Eats algorithm to stop sending me on long trips for the fare that does not cover gas. It is a means to get by and the job market is playful. Medicare Sales I rather do independently because the calling people over and over again is not nice after they asked to be put on a "Do Not Call List". So while I go through getting appointed and studying for Life Insurance license, I am doing deliveries.
Change is important and leaving toxic family alone is key. I miss being around a group that never acknowledged my efforts unless it suited them to call.
I poured too much into people who did not reciprocate. That is my fault for not leaving relationships when the signs were there. It seemed everytime things were going great for me, something in my family would happen.
For example, a few months ago I left my mother house for good. Cannot be around one who talks about a pedophile like they are still in love with them. Like, how can a mother keep opening wounds that I work hard to heal? Just to have her mention or call this being in front of me? His daughter lies and is always favored by her. I am to grown to deal with the toxicity. Instability is my truth. One must be stable to flourish and I am tired of people telling me I should be more. I know I should, but I also know I must be accountable for staying where not welcome. After my sibling told those I was looking to help with HAY Online (Haitian American Youth Online) about my personal struggles and lies, I noticed a change in treatment. It is tough dealing with a spiteful sibling who is always in another's ears about you. Especially when you are trying to make a name for yourself. I would tell any youth to just leave and get on their feet with support from friends willing to be there.
So as I create content and practice being in front of a camera, I am taking on a client for SEO consulting. It is a great feeling to do what is my passion and one must study Google Webmaster Guides to make sure up to date.