Adele - Hello #YouTube
Listening to Adele, one of my many "Song Cry" artists that let me connect with my emotions. This song brings so many emotions to me at the times played for whatever reason it is. I am one that is true to my sign, Aquarius. I will be found more vocal than the anxious locked up in cage girl who loved the social scene but wanted so much to have her own space to just "Breathe".
So as I listen to Adele, Hello song it makes me relive so much and reach the point of "Anymore". No more will I let my own demons hinder all other areas going well. I am soon to be married to a man who has shown me strength in a mans own transitions. He opens up to me in ways he does not to another and I realize that with appreciation. My world is as usual all up in the air, the only difference is this year it has not affected me as before.
Before I would be a total basket case running away from the drama to come back to it later. That address it later aspect I have been working on has found me using this medium as one of the tools to release. I am grateful to Ms. Fab of Girl Talk with Ms. Fab because as I sought her for mentoring young girls, she has been helping me for four years heal. She has been working with me on my relationship issues and my inner conflicts of the me I see in relation to the estranged relationship between me and my mother.
This past fall a part of my world I thought under control became unraveled. I learned some horrible news. It has reinforced my mission to make sure my son is good and all other kids are. We always find meaning in a movement. Well mine started with a nine year old girl not wanting to be like her mother and save a nation. That sounds so cliche, but it is my truth. Thank you!!!#Hello #SongCry
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