Family Ties
Going through it the past two years with surveillance, crooked law enforcers, artificial intelligence hearsay, unscrupulous "Wannabe" professionals by society terms karma stupid accomplices I say, and all else false allegations have busted wide open have been a ride.
Only appreciation I have is to those who truly stuck by my side. Some Revelations are awkward but worth it while others just fuck up your whole world. I let karma and one's conscience go to play. I appreciate all and do much to keep favor all that help. Other matters, good to know much I went through many who subjected me to abuse are paying. One thing I learned early in life, revenge is mine saith "The Creator"!
Haitian American single mother and Zoepreneur (SEO Enthusiast) who is a humanitarian at heart and by nature. Dislike those who front and says what is on her mind no matter the fall out. Been a rough road getting to where I am at and embracing ME. Now focused on building stepping stone communities online that accept all no matter gender, nationality, faith, sexual orientation and affiliations as long as independently hustling without management.