by Aquarius Dawn Nancy
Spoke to a woman who as been more helpful than all agencies I went to in past two weeks. Much has been stressful personally. As I deal with much due to my choices to do the most for ingrates, I must take this sign of stress and focus energy on what does not stress. That would be online pursuits, focus on a new client for a HAY Online Media Associate, have help so not always me handling maintenance, and being with my kids on days not hitting the pavement.
One reason been single and do not deal with going around some family. Yet soon as I go back to being around some, this lump appears. Already had cancerous cells removed four months after giving birth to my son in 2009, exploratory surgery of Uterus around 2014, and been getting results back that indicate growths to monitor. Yet, when I stay away I am healthier. I can only go off my experience and that has been a pattern noticed. So as I do odd jobs to cover my needs, have my kids with me more and to just get by; I find that a lot is falling into place. I have great support whether financial or emotional. May have been asking for help most lately due to obstacles of the past two years but soon will afford a better attorney to finally do what the last did not care to. Yes, these attorneys take on much for State but at end of day that is their paycheck and they do not look out like a private one. Alienation tactics are real while the other parent is giving all kinds of excuses. That too is a factor to note with still dealing with restraining orders on two who one never cares to deal with, the other must co-parent with.
Things are looking up and if more to be concerned with, at least I will have a means as last time they found cancer to take it out. I check annually and more often since a history of abnormal cells found and biopsy. Each time early stages and removal suffice. This time I hope benign cause right now with much I do not divulge to even those I speak with can be daunting. Sueon, Case,J Nadia, CC, A, Kimberly, Brian and many in my family close with help. This is a sign to take day to day and leave disappointment alone. One reason I do not think of her, my littlest one because the reality that another is not being forthcoming can bother. When I finally get a car and he gives an address I can go get her, first must do last service which is show a stable home to get her. Hard, but getting help after signing Homeless Affidavit. Just these joker's use your activity online to show visitors but really do not offer help but hyperlink after another opening at times to numbers no longer in service. Calling these agencies to get on housing to be told list closed or no funding to help cushion a potential fall since Job Ready tickets get cancelled always by Tamarac office saying it was for another but no name put in dsscription. I called so many places, went to many websites who information outdated.
Other than Beverly Gordon at Career Source Broward South Branch who always does get me jobs with this time close so only one fifteen minute bus ride, Marika Guyton Health Case Manager at Memorial got me healthcare through them, and all helping I would be worst off.
Personally, always get denied assistance as last week learning after filling, a judgment these joker's did not tell one caused system to automatically deny. Yet many do not have to fill out the things I do and get the world. Yes, always working but does not mean enough with temp work now four weeks nada but work here and there. Especially when you like paying back the people who looked out when you asked for help obviously not getting from "The System". I got told no funding but then will be told so and so got help. Every spot I go to then gets it after I am denied, is this a coincidence?
Nah, very pattern oriented so notice what is going on just let it happen towards me finally getting assistance. This is why after the Billions made I will really help more women cause now I do but for those stranger women I know go through what I do asking men. Biggest goal because for some reason Florida acts as if programs helping but everytime in a abusive situation or no place to live their shelters full. They say they have room but when I call different story so one tends to not ask. I did past two weeks and same tune. Really Florida, get it together. Women are not helped as some think. Stop asking where is one's family. If that was an option, one like I would not ask.
My son's pleas, co-parenting break downs I must get a real attorney on, and so much opportunity to do more business to give associates clients is why housing is main focus. Waiting on background and pre-screening to start new job. Blocking many as always and meeting great networking partners as always. Well, off to see if work. They cancelled another job. Complained to corporate but True Blue does not care about their app or Offices who run like crap. Buddy got loud after they did not put name of repeat laborer on ticket. They need a real programmer to make a better app.
This guy who has been trying to get in my pants told me a day I had no means to get to Labor Pool, they, picked up many women working, yet their app is wack and when finally in office by 5:30 am or my latest by 7am nothing. Jen tries but late laborer going to replace get there then told not needed. It is like they feel some guy will help, please, and if one with me yes expected but single me is not fucking for help.
Buddy had nerve to say, "Come to my house, I will take care of you." Had to say, "Your daughter may go through same if not already." Then their way of help is a darn insult on top. This is why my favorite line is said, "I am not out here sucking and fucking for money." I walk if I must like I did from Countyline to my mom's yesterday to stretch and buy my son something to eat. My dad with cancer, bad eyes, and drives different took me to Publix cause my legs hurt from the walk to drive. Yet, my son getting what he needs while at his Grandma who helps me as she can, worth it.
Biggest reason I do not entertain many after a while of games. Either you get one has kids and act accordingly or leave them alone. Now bootycalls, nothing expected but scratch the itch and keep it moving. If looking for more you must drop that behavior because universe is getting mixed signals if looking for steady companion. So I left alone the guys presenting to only want sex. On Haitian Mother's Day a Jamaican guy had nerve to come by mom's drunk tripping after four months crickets, stop calling, did not say a thing but you know what I am talking about, then after pissed cause texting a BSO officer back in his face he was madπ€. You come by saying you want to talk, you trip over an opinion that had nothing to do with you and get into drunk feelings acting like we go together and text you only wanted ass. Well then, I did know why you came to "Talk" and when you beat around the bush, got ignored and I left, you send stupidity like a "Femme Male" via angry drunk texting that made no sense. These guys do not know how to express a thing, saying you know, I do not know if saying that only lol. If you tell me four months ago finding yourself, stop calling and when hit up busy then how four months later you at my mom's tripping? These dudes have daughters and still out here playing. As my dad sees it now through his eight daughters, these idiots will too. Be the change and stop wasting women's time. We choose who to deal with and from jump that fizzled and still he comes back drunk from the club four months later to get mad I am not getting "You know what I mean." I just know these men are too emotional. Grateful "A" got me for bus fare next week but the system really is not good because those like I always working but need that simple one month help cannot get. They want you prostituting out here.
They really look at women as easy to find a man to help. One, that should not be main goal but if one is with you expected. Some fools say they owe no chic but unwilling to get their lotion and Jack off til they get it men are providers and if not after a woman to build with, leave her alone. Learn to find a "Good Time Charlie" how and leave women looking for men alone. Simple, but these guys complain about women and unwilling to jack off til they find wifey. You see a serious woman, doing for her and you are not looking to build with her, keep it moving. These dudes can only keep trying women if allowed. Do as I do, delete info and let them be one to contact and show same interest. If they do the check once a month, drop them. Real men do call if they want you, not text. So if not into you, stop entertaining them.
I tell many guys, think of your daughter. How you out here playing and think blessings coming? Stay looking for hoes, not women wanting more. I just know I am upfront with guys I want more from and guys only for entertainment. There are direct women, also direct asshole replies to drunk idiots. Karma is a bitch!