© SoundCloud Go "I Look To You" by Whitney Houston |
"As I lay me doowwwn, heaven hear me noooooow..." but the rest of the sentence which is "I'm lost without a cause, after giving it my all." then she sings "Every road I've taken, led to my regret. Didn't know if I'm gone make it, nothing left to do but lift my head. I look to yoouuu, I look to you, after all is said and done, in you I can be strong [ yes, you mommy's boss, VonRoss, VonRoss @masteristhename81 ]..." - Whitney Houston
My take on this song I play the past three years is all applies except being lost, some understand why they have to deal. Best way to learn then solve. I use to lay in bed at night and ask why I must go through so much? The Bible is full of signs of astrology. So my Capricorn child is so his sign. Anywho, I am grateful my prayers are always answered!
When I asked, "May all end with me", a Mother's Prayer was answered with your miraculous birth VonRoss. You truly are as Capricorn babies are said to be by some accounts. I call those born of your sign "Jesus Babies" ( More "Messiah Seeds" since personally the narratives others put on the person referenced I do not agree with). For this point though I do state what I say when I meet those born around the time of the Winter Solstice.
They tend to, not all, be very empathetic to point they must be left alone sometimes to not deal with the emotions brought on by what they sense.
Great brains and always thinking but can be shy and reserved when too much going on. If they are saying something bothers them, listen because rarely the type to complain. Low tolerance for those or situations that annoy them. Bored easily and must keep stimulated by their interests. They can be brutally honest and very quick to dislike anyone or thing that is considered by them against their moral compass. The type of child who needs to know you care and show it, say it and make them physically feel love. Hugs and quality time even if in silence while both you and your Capricorn child are on laptops surfing the web. That is my Capricorn baby, VonRoss, a techie who hates poachers who kill elephants his favorite creature. One reason he loves Cold Play's "Paradise". The words are ever so poignant now because I loved playing that song via MTV on smart TV his dad got I would leave on Music Choices MTV channel. Figures he likes gadgets cause his dad too was a gamer as I, his dad always had electronics about and loved getting him a remote something weekly like clockwork. Til this day it is a sauder here, remote controlled drone there and now he is "VonRoss the Drone Boss" as a businessman.
Grateful for his father and happy he always curbs some of his iron-fisted Jamaican parent ways for his son's sake!
Image Source: © SoundCloud Go , Content created via Canva
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