What is a "Bubble"? Any platform that has its own analytic collection methods, keeps links branding them only, do not allow my favorite Pinterest, those who lead all back to them and the biggest indicator of one for me is the fact SEO tools cannot be used that are not their own. So I am proud to tell many who are mistaken about Facebook or Instagram centered online presence right now, they are going down a rabbit hole. Until further notice/changes to how SEO works, many need to break out of Facebook everything and create another central "Hub" like a blog or website where information is shared then from there to Facebook. I am on it like crack because clients and affiliated partners are and I follow their activity for good reason. I need to witness behavior all over the web so "Dead Duck(Define this)" characteristics are seen before they hurt ultimate goal. "Dead Ducks", I cannot deal with.
Now one thing I love to do is play "Possum", yes, I love the misunderstandings and those who look to ones appearance in the old mind frame of branding and online presenting. I just loooooooooooooooove it. It is evident of this when many re-do their websites and well I will just let the web deal with that. As I always say, "Train the web and all will be fine." HAY Online Media is good at that and that is why it is clear to the web what HAY is about and great many others assumptions are well evident with the emails, inbox and rumors that get back to me are learned of. It can bother one at times, but for the most part when I wake to beautiful results based on strategy it makes me feel better. I do much daily since a visual person, to remind me of accomplishments and goals met. Those inner joys makes one not really mind when family turns against you because another "Dead Duck" takes them on as whatever, or the affiliate you once were associated with looses faith, or the many whom you started with go their way for other reason. In all the experience has made HAY Online Media change much in how we partner with others online, contract language changes and make the immediate circle hard to penetrate.
Conglomerate type moves that only want those who just "Get It" truly to be apart. I learn quick many I assumed "Got It" really never did. That is why now with the cost sky rocketing, boy one can hate and gossip. I will look a checks with a smile and happy the youth taking over HAY can make more than their wildest dreams just doing what they are trained to. I vet all I reached out to about employment because loyalty is important now with how much is to learn and changing. HAY Online Media cannot afford to hire spies or not have contracts that imply confidentiality and not divulging trade secrets. So much treachery and snakes with smiles. Man, when a IT person told me they know what I am doing and I could have done more than I was for them, It got to me. I went to venting on my timeline. The nerve to tell me they get it but obviously this person did not get I watch all I am connected to and learn their MO no matter how long it takes. So my questions to them that are still not answered to this day were based on what I monitored of them. One, because after a few weeks of no reply I blocked them so no way to come back to me with a reply if they wanted to. Two, I am a visual person and cannot see one in my feed who is ignoring me, being very unappreciative, and has the nerve to say such things but show opposite. It will have me vent post, go in when we speak via phone or person and just not care to even collaborate anymore with them. This is sadly the case now.
Many I still respect I just cannot affiliate with out of principle as they do to me. I do not take to heart one moving on because I will always be in the corner of those who need the spring board. I am not after mainstream celebrities and IG'ing their wives like a "Kiss Ass". I am not trying to doll up and go to events I really cannot stand the music of more than maybe an hour. I really cannot do as many in business do ignore show boating and blatant ignorance of my brands inclusion even when logo is on the banner. Ever since first major even HAY Online covered and the announcer did this and I know purposely along with those who put on, I have had a bad taste in my mouth. For as much as I heard other brands part of media it hurt my feelings those I brought with me were like we did not hear HAY. Then when I go to the one who founded and am given some bull to hold, I just had to fix my face. It really got me that day but I slapped up video and just from there it has not been the same. Then this year since I again I monitor all I associate with and their MO noticed some things as affiliations and behavior that did not sit well with me. To see my brands logo not on a site and yet that day I am queuing in posts for it really troubled me and I let my spirit with actions it promoted guide my reaction. So I went to slowing down, saying I will send someone else but then was like nah. Then to see logo added as if I never noticed was not cool. It is one thing for me not to deal with another because of brand protection and nothing to do with personal gripes as to things they did. It is another though to see a malicious group be hailed as humble, that ish put the icing on the cake for me.
I cannot deal with phony. No way. So I leave all alone now who try it in my opinion and do not go back more than share their own promo within their own bubbles. I will not do what I do for many that did not know it for that brand anymore. When you are not getting paid but have set understandings that are not equal as in energy you put in and what you are getting out of it, one has to make a decision. Mine is to not even entertain that relationship anymore. I did what I came to do no matter if not the way they were told or expected. Things said to be done can change based off new revelations that informing one who has no clue, busy or whatever time consuming is not feasible within the scope of what it is I actually do. So bye, bye old approach as in collaborating and hello to a world of true collaborations. I had to learn as all else who once were apart or still are apart of HAY. That is the main reason quotes from day one were always shared to cheer on those having to deal with "The Struggle". The struggle is real and I find it is best when among a group willing to get it and who do not deal with snakes. I cannot trust the snake, so I must bounce.
Haitian American single mother and Zoepreneur (SEO Enthusiast) who is a humanitarian at heart and by nature. Dislike those who front and says what is on her mind no matter the fall out. Been a rough road getting to where I am at and embracing ME. Now focused on building stepping stone communities online that accept all no matter gender, nationality, faith, sexual orientation and affiliations as long as independently hustling without management.
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