The other day I had to block some, not for usual reasons, but for my own continued growth. Many tell you to learn to deal with people. Yet some I just do not care to know for things done to others. When you learn of some's character and ways about doing things, you make judgments and I who am one to agree we all do for one reason or another admit this always. Now what one does with it is up to them.
Doing what I do for a living, you learn that "Smoke in Mirrors" is real. You have many out here who do some nasty things to people and operate a predictable way that once those patterns are peeped again, you make a decision. Mine this time around was to just not see possible posts in my feed. I really genuinely love and respect all I partner with or that would never be the partnering. Yet I always tell all who are in the Haitian community heavy that I do not do the Haitian scene like that. I will go to events of those who I see are different until I see the foolishness that keeps those I cater to away. Yet the clique of the same individuals who go about things in a pre-historic singling out way is not for me. As if one wants you to beg. Not in me, I will inbox a collaboration. I will give suggestions to help one do better sharing online past Facebook all day. Yet to think I ever wanted to be elite, never. Those who really know me, know I am one who loves to just be comfortable. So why I choose to work how I do, at home in my blue robe most the day unless a client is coming over and I will slap on something to wear. Just me "Knowing Thy Self". If one is put off then fine and why I select who I truly work for since HAY Online was never meant to be big. Now the brands not fully shared on FB more than them having pages on it are the ones for many to sweat as competition. SMH
One can have their issues with me for being opinionated and that will never cease. If I let it be known from beginning I am not into the "Glitz and Glam" why some still have room to be a way? Being stand offish is fine and all have every right, but also let me know things have changed too. Many do not know what I deal with behind the scenes and I all to well understand many do not care. I do and that is why I do not go to events. If I am homeless i let that be known, not for one to look down on me, but to understand the ones I cater to with brilliant minds are in the same boat. Instead of exploiting them, help them be productive tax payers that when strong can turn around and support your business. Yet many want to keep crushing and beating one to the punch when the true movement of those I affiliate with as in demographic mates want a stronger economic black community. To many have egos and I purposely when sharing or going in initially did so private on FB so that my views would not be take as those of my company who shares all sides as the come through online sources that my demographic uses. Not Facebook alone. Many had to be separated from my Aquarius Dawn Nancy because they forget that millions are out here struggling and not representative of their immediate circle. So one wanting true exponential growth would cater to all not a few. That also means the messages that can be taken a way should be looked at. So while others worry about Haiti, I worry about bridging the gap with a specific sect of Haitian Americans like me who are born here and yet to go to Haiti for same reasons as me. We are broke and struggling. Someone has to make a sacrifice to make sure those behind are better equipped than they were or are. Many got me twisted, but that was a given and works to ones advantage. More than some thinking I am a naive, jaded chic mad cause she is perceived to be loosing when every day I gain more riches I could never had by the looks of how some feeling a way about my brand are doing or fluffing selves up to.
First off, never started my directory/entertainment/informative platforms to be going to social events. I see that no one in this community is compiling data on demographics other than the census skewed reports on a population more vast than online reports state. Have three more years of data collection from means I put together that looks at my target markets behavior online and in the streets. My website HAY Online is how I learn all I do by "Doing it Myself" and learning different builder platforms so to help those with little means stay a contender. Which ones of the website builders are good for the "Do it Yourselfer" and how to mitigate changes online that are not reflected with the designs and functions on some. The website builder sites too have to put up help tutorials to assist the few observant customers realizing things are different about layout. Many rely on my initial of many websites as a gauge of my abilities even after they are told not to. So you learn as you go about copycats and when in a Copy Cat community where those more connected yet lacking originality get an idea and run with it run supreme. My inboxing many no matter their perceived view of me as competition advice, like one snake I purposely was nice to and offered suggestion for his marketing and promotion team, to use Hoot Suite and still never used it. It is like you watch the games many play on the surface shows big time. Finding out the same crowd go to the same events and no exponential growth is not something I look to. Eating today the same amount is not for me or my vision that never dwell on this Haitian community more than to learn who is doing what to share and presenting well online in ways the youth I specifically state on my website find it outside of Facebook.
When the many changing IP's, migrating to WordPress, deleting pages and such finally stop, then I can index their websites. Just a person who knows to put their country analytic a way so their rank is determined differently is one who understands the numbers game many over look but want to be online. The following companies and doing research to see where else other than Facebook the event or initiative is shared tells much. The always seeing things not done on websites by many offering me help with mine makes me ask, "Are you serious?" So much is changing online with algorithms and many companies who assist in this area having to update too. Many are claiming things and yes it is nice to do hands on but how is it one who has no data on what they create for others is not properly vetted more than the clutter website presented a way? The numbers are everything and that is what I work to establish organically and when afforded go ham. I am so happy my company is getting the chance to really branch out into media. Started doing my portfolio on monitoring with screen shots that show it all as to what I really do that many still do not get. So as my business plan was always to be, I am positioning HAY Online to be that premiere spot for to find it all while getting help as an independent artist or talent of any sort. Partnering with companies who will provide the youth I help with affordable services to keep them relevant online. Making sure that those coming to me about their run-ins can truly be helped. Almost there and thankful for all the help and lessons as to why many do not still approach cause if I am also still dealing with what many complain to me about, it just tells me things still need to change before any "Gap" is bridged.
Yesterday I was given a blessing as I let go of a former one. I hope we can be friends, but to be colleagues when I am specifically looking for "That Approach" will have to just be "Out of Sight, Out of Mind" on that tip for now as I focus. Some really know how to manipulate but when the truth is seen, I am happy I will not be around. Some need to learn why and still do what it takes to get ahead. I like to sleep at night and have networked with so many that I would not change my MO for the world. I will not dress up when my office and goals are different. One has to address concerns they live with and strengthen their community while others can forget that they too once had no one before many became fans. Some like me go into things not for instant results when community support building is at hand, not show boating. Talking to many I no longer even consider colleagues, was never a situation of telling too much. I told exactly what I told many I still work with. Yet some's misunderstandings on why I wanted to partner was so off and it showed by how till now some things transpire. If you are petty to block me because I rightfully so say you do not represent all Haitian Americans, that is telling. Then after I learn because I use an account no other knew till this year when I started migrating people I have come to respect over that were met during my initial start-up, that was enough for me to say, "I am through." Yet to find out some go to those I work with luring with what they do is funny when I do not have issue with it. It is just the intent to all of a sudden see to do so with all whom I deal with, just like done with initial reason and person who opened my eyes to the MO. I knew I would deal with what I am and really only feel away since I will stand off those I once went to. They did not get why selective with way going about things because I listen to the concerns of those I am out to help who do not know about what many in the "Bubble" of Facebook only share there. I tried to show with tools used and places I researched none were till all of a sudden the one not ever seen, HAY Online, uses them. Yet, funny how many are not noticing that much one ignores is what is trending in how to do things. Now the web is a "Pay to Play" when all my efforts were started free and paid only for more reach. I focus on the psychology of the "Why's". If social media's popularity and why so is not of focus to others, it is to me. It gives great demographic insight when looking in all the right places. My one of many vents and so happy much is being done by many cleaning their online presence up. I for one am happy and when HAY starts to advertise bigger and better all under my new focus, HAY Online Media and HAY Online Radio. So I will do as many have me since I do not fit inline with what they are peddling, I will stay in my lane as they do theirs.
Haitian American single mother and Zoepreneur (SEO Enthusiast) who is a humanitarian at heart and by nature. Dislike those who front and says what is on her mind no matter the fall out. Been a rough road getting to where I am at and embracing ME. Now focused on building stepping stone communities online that accept all no matter gender, nationality, faith, sexual orientation and affiliations as long as independently hustling without management.
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