Haitian American single mother and Zoepreneur (SEO Enthusiast) who is a humanitarian at heart and by nature. Dislike those who front and says what is on her mind no matter the fall out. Been a rough road getting to where I am at and embracing ME. Now focused on building stepping stone communities online that accept all no matter gender, nationality, faith, sexual orientation and affiliations as long as independently hustling without management.
Saturday, May 30, 2015
Happy Haitian Mother's Day!
Man, the days when you could not get a gift on the American Mother's Day but say to yourself, "I have the end of the month too."
Crazy but now I have my son give his two Haitian grandmothers a card and a kiss. They love it and cherish every card. Just had a conversation earlier with him where I told my son tomorrow is Haitian Mother's Day. He was like, "My daddy has one, a Jamaican one too?" I did not know and the lady I am working with confirmed it is the same as ours in the US. So he is getting his knowledge in on the Haitian side more now.
Feeling Better: Sometimes One Must Do What Was Uncomfortable To
you make the right choices for your brand and motives that are learned after
making so many redundant wrong choices. So many told me to stop doing so much
and I found reasons to keep people or projects that were not mutually
beneficial because I saw how I still could benefit. Yet the emotional ties have one
taking things a way. In my case it was the fact so much work went into what
many deemed just posting. The keeping brand name in all done on back end that
helped them. The learning when to post at optimal times that benefited them.
The always asking information of many who ignored the reach out that would
benefit them. The time tying in relevance they did not do and still have not to
make it sensible online to benefit them. So much more done to benefit others
who can easily just go about theirs while you are left with bull to listen to
and see. So I no longer have those problems because I finally listened to many
who saw my gripes. My relentless nature can also have me barking up the wrong
trees. The ones that bare no fruit for me. So as I stop the traction on my end
as in network wise for many, all the association, co-citation and so many other
SEO practices used to build up online presence go down the drain. Yet, you know
why I am not bitter and never could be? Well, what many fail to understand is
the more sharing you is ideal. The funny thing about it is if twenty images
found under a result were from your network and you stop sharing them, their
content associated with you dwindles to lower result levels. Like row fourteen
of images or page ten of a search. So in the end I am not hurt at all. This is
something I learned myself and see it happen much. So I hope many have great
people in their corner willing to do it all to make sure their content is
visible in the right diverse places. I know I will continue to only for those
who are on board now. I no longer look for partners and will never put so much
midnight oil hours into anything more than it is done for me.
SEO Work Related: Copyright Issues and Why I Love Partnerships
Safe way to protect against copyright issues is to make sure
on your hub you clearly state it is not yours, then make sure it is in the
description in a natural way, link it to the source initially and try to use
watermarked images. From the moment it is shared by you who is being detected,
please state it is not yours and just get permission if it is a must. One thing
too is just partner with those who understand the mutual benefit of association
and share their content freely knowing no one is coming at you. No one is going
to report you to Google, Facebook or any platform they see you doing them a
great service. I personally just stop sharing some. I will never revisit that
avenue for many reasons. The main one is principle and the way the web works
right now. It is an honor to have someone share you. Remember people pay just
to be put in front of an audience and someone just did for free. Shoot if they
SEO the backend with your brand name, that is even better. It is like giving credit where it is due but the best way possible. It is a great show of respect when one sharing you does not implement tactics on back end that could easily claim till you contest it. I make sure to do this always from the start so the only connection was being shared on one of my many platforms. So why when this was
my problem with a few, I use to be mad. Then as I saw what is really going on,
I actually like the load off and the insight who not to share anymore. So I
will go all over and delete all that brands information and just add a page
about them and call it day. I had to do this with a perceived competitor. It
really gets to me how many just show pure ignorance and yet they say this is
what they do. Just do not get where they get their information from. Just my
piece and why content creation has been the focus for a while and some
designers who could not get with the program had to be left alone. Lag time in
production compounded by researching best way to present finish product is
another post for another day. Have a great last Saturday of May. Damn, tomorrow
is Haitian Mother's Day. Soon as I am off, I will swing by and get my son so he
could give his Grandma Nicole her customary card and kiss. He gets her a card
on both Mother's days. I love my son. He is the reason I will always go hard.
Thursday, May 21, 2015
Partnering With Content Creators Is A Must.
Now how to share
their content is where much one can be penalized for comes into play. There are
different kinds of media pacts, media partnerships or just partnerships period.
How they are structured is up to the parties involved. Some on the other hand
are setting theirs up all off kilter in my opinion and as to practices in
online branding is concerned. Many are claiming partnerships that are a bit
confusing. Though many state them, it is how they "Train The Web" on
them that is off. If not continuously reiterating the partnership where it
counts for your brand it is a waste to stick to whatever is being done now.
This means if Twitter works best to share what your brand does then do it there
more than Facebook. I did not say only promote there. I said share things
telling about what your brand has to offer on the optimal platform for it. When
posting whether "Real Time", postponed or queued it needs to be tying
in something relevant and the back end should do the same. So titles need to be
on point within the logical scheme of your brands specific "Train The
Web" branding online. So the search engines get a clear picture as to your
partners, your specific unique branded content marketing or promotion strategy,
and can present it well online. This is why a brand has to be implementing all
SEO practices whether they "DIY" it themselves or pay another to. Now
as to Social Media, one must adhere to one text and link combination a day.
Meaning, if the same wording and link already was shared, do not keep sharing
it. Find a new way to phrase and relevant tying into campaign content link to
convey same message that is specific to how you are "Training The
Web". So this is one reason I state some get it, #Twisted. Though there is
much to get twisted. Of to more catching up with all these gigs coming in and
the car search still one with the kill switch issue which was not one just did
not like having to use it. #SideNote is always me going off subject. Tootles!
Early Call: This Young Guy Is Really Growing On Me
Just some things I said to him and why. I broke it down more
with him on the phone but I feel some who are struggling could take some of
this pointing out. Figure what you can afford and cannot. Then from there stick
within your means as in sharing your content. Content being your tracks, video,
or writings. It is how you share and how consistently you do.
Should I Share My Old
Share the old stuff
always in good ways. What I meant by this is even if the song is old, if it
will play, share it. Make sure to use platforms like SoundCloud that play well
on most all smart phones. There are platforms that are not so widely compatible
thus limiting fans who know of you in listening on the go and new ones who
cannot open your link.
Should I Wait Till I
Have Better Equipment?
Iphone music videos are also out doing many too. It really
is not all so much what you use, it is how. If you do not have it like that as
in money to buy good equipment, learn to use your phone's video camera well.
What lighting, angles and feature manipulations on your phone works best to
record. Then do vlogs that are well titled and unique that share your talents.
Not all can do a great job yet some smart phones that I have used to film media
were an Iphone, Samsung, and LG.
What About Programs
to Edit, Mix, and Create With?
Better programs to
edit by budgeting that first into start up needs is a must. Here I meant for
you to think of what you need to do it yourself and make those your initial
purchases before studio time if both cannot be done. Focus on the process to
learn from and jot down what worked and did not.
What About My Image?
Image is everything
and do not look like you are begging.
What image is, is up to the brand. Some brands want a professional image while
others do not. If you want to be professional then you must from jump act
accordingly. If you do not care about it because of your audience make up you
want to attract do not mind, so be it.
This kid is a
beautiful trip and one of the shining examples why I started blogging under
Aquarius Dawn Nancy Blog. It is a release and a way not to repeat myself. Just
share the link that can help them do better or learn from my mistakes.
Rammelzee vs K-Rob "Beat Bop" 1983
Really neat to learn of this track Jean-Michel Basquiat did in 1983. Here I go looking into a man I learned of on Facebook through a post a few years ago. Just to learn he did a Hip Hop track that spoke on things very similar to what I am learning about his life. Sad story that produced such great art.
Monday, May 18, 2015
Haitian Flag Day, Same Every Year
I will admit even I was not so into representing the flag much until around 2010. More than a rear view mirror flag from time to time, it was not something done religiously or even looked up online by even me.
As much of what HAY Online does is for a reason, I have seen firsthand within the groups of Haitian Americans I know and service many go ham on this day publicly about their roots. There are still many without a yearning to learn of Haitian history and those who do not should not be scorned for it. Many who are Haitian everything have a jaded view at times and want those not so into the Haitian culture to be as hardcore as they. Not to say they do not care, it is not part of their daily life until someone points it out. The posts here and there are easily forgotten till another, even with how Facebook is cracking down on promotions, one about the culture is detected. So many need to learn how to present their information well online so it can be found through an organic search, not just Facebook.
The truth is, many born here only rep when they remember to on Haitian Flag Day. Unlike those who berate us at times or make insults about those who are like me that do not represent 365, we are not to be shamed but continually reminded of things many of us are now learning. I think it is very poor judgement to single out or label unpatriotic when really, these kids and I are born in the US. For one reason or another our parents who also may not have been educated well themselves did not inform us on "Everything Haitian". Neither should they be made to feel less Haitian. It should be used as insight to fix disparities that later are used to put one down unfairly. Had they too been able to get an education I can see them doing what I do with my son, pass the knowledge down.
It is great to see much is being shared now on Facebook, but online much that could be known and shared is done so by many non-Haitian sources. Even when they are Haitian sources, it is regurgitated information from another source. So you have those on Facebook and Instagram I call bubbles for various reasons bashing others or making snide comments about not knowing or appreciating their culture. When Google’d, Haitian anything still many are not presenting their websites well online to even dent the first few pages of search results for Haitian Flag Day. Hougan Sydney is an exception and love how this website is well diversified online. You do find those who are doing some of the right things as to practices that is getting them seen in organic search results.
The thing is that not much in authorities on Haitian anything are present online more than the many giving their bit of information. Even Wikipedia asks for citations to claims. So when many feel to start talking about what one is representing, please look online to see what we find and to understand, it is very confusing. Not all are willing to search pass the first three pages. Just getting at, many are not doing what they must more than stating some facts to build their authority. Really wish some who feel to talk crap really just took a look at the bull online. See that what many should be doing who want to be authorities is not done. So when that happens, maybe more would last online than a few days or months if even.
Saturday, May 16, 2015
Haitian American Youth Online Media, Inc, The Passion Is Real
We may not have a deep connection with all the youth we promote, yet we accept all independent, Serious Entrepreneurs - Zoepreneurs L'Union Fait La Force, youth who push themselves. The "Go Getters", the true relentless visionary willing to give it all and lose it all. Lose it all as to things and most importantly to the new unknown process from which to learn from. I want it all and I love to help those who are like in pursuit about their ambitions. #Relentless #Zoepreneur #ZoeBlood #ZoePride
From Inspiring Quotes on Pinterest |
Friday, May 15, 2015
Proud Moment: When A Youth Is Learning To Let It Go And Focus
This kid is so raw. I love those who are so nice to
apologize for attitudes. Yet, I am a hard ass to these entrepreneurial youth in
the way I am not with the bull till they have it all together. Some take me
wrong but they always get it comes from a good place. After learning from my
first interaction, I refuse to waste my time. Spring boards are not supposed to
invest permanently in temporary projects. Now when it turns into a partnership,
then investment. Learning quick and hard. They must be referred to those who
can help them better their craft, make sure they slow down and take the steps
they must within their means. I love helping the online presence process. They
get it because they are who HAY Online Media supports with the funds made through
services provided. They need help maintaining while they get it all together.
Proud of those who just get it off the bat and all who are learning to do
better online. It is their world. #Golden
Thursday, May 14, 2015
Always Cover Your Ass, Get It?
From keepcalm-o-matic.co.uk |
Yeah, I know the title is pretty vulgar but the point needs to be driven home. The point being, cover your ass for real. Think about it, what would you do to spy on your competition?
Okay, good you get the gist of why I said what I did. This is a dog eat dog world and online is no different. You have many who are not as creative and definitely as original as you since there is only you.
You are the kind of relentless spirit who invents things from the racy thoughts in your head.
The pioneer of industry who saw a niche and jumped in full throttle. No holding back.
You, knew what you came in to do with set goals and a business plan I hope.
You must always reinvent yourself without "Wannabe's" coming in like scavengers so un-original and obvious through their work.
The last "Pep Talk", is what this whole topic was leading to. Do not ever waste a minute again thinking about them, those "Snakes", "Energy Busters" or any hater for that matter. They obviously have to much time on their hand not doing much on their own "Whatever" to be copying you and doing as you.
It is your brand. Respecting it is protecting it. Protect, protect, protect.
Log out of search engines of any kind and search that way about your industry, ideas and content. Some will follow all the platforms you are on and set up shop. #CoCitation Co-Citation
Do not log in with the social media plugins. Many will be notified on the platforms they pretended to befriend only for the real sole purpose to get ideas and monitor. I personally do not do this to study anyone. Once you understand information collection on the web and what is working for your opponent, you just watch to make sure they drive their message home correctly. Use the email for the account.
Make sure to be conscience of your replies and such because this too can be monitored. Not saying do not join a conversation but be wary of who is feeding off your moves and correcting theirs. The way things are online, one is supposed to set themselves apart. So copycats only can go so far before their scraping hurts them and any other tactic they use to just copy without proper credit if warranted.
Just study your competitions online presence profile and set yours apart in distinct ways. Branding is about using that thing or those things that work for you and embellish on them so to speak. Yet, do not make sudden moves without thinking of the best way to do undetected. This is why one learning the platforms they use well is also key to a great online presence. Cover Your Ass, Got it?
JBEATZ -It's getting late (Official Music Video)
One of a few Kompa like artists I like. Still not able to listen to a full nights worth of Compas but his vibe I could. This song never gets old for me. He was cool to meet too. Very nice and humble personality. I love his independent nature and how he manages his business. Great at marketing his product in my opinion. One video where he discussed not being supported really resonated with me and how he is self-made without much in hypers but loyal colleagues I guess. Just love those who understand to think outside the box even when that is all that is left. #GIANTS
Catarina ft. Mr.walley - Secret Love Official video 2014
Just love this song that is in Creole. This is a team I have been following closely as all I am researching. I love meeting new talent. We have Haitian GIANTS everywhere. Salute Team Tet Chaje Int. who has team members all over the Caribbean for real, real. Catarina aka Itz Cat aka Carine Darius, lol. I know a lot of aliases. Yes, yes, Mr. Walley TheRapper is on this one. A Dominica duo attending Dominica State College. Education and they can do the damn than. Man, that Zoe(Haitian American slang referrencing their Haitian descent) blood is fierce. We can handle it all. #ZoePride #ZoeBlood #ZoepreneursThoughts
Tuesday, May 12, 2015
My King, My Son: K. Michelle - A Mother's Prayer [Official Video]
I love this song so much, when it came out I had to buy it
with my metro connect funds to buy the whole track to download to my phone. I
would play my get crunk in the morning’s music for when I use to work at
DirecTV. It was stressful because when you know the queue is "F" with
to give some sales all day and others based on numbers to look somewhat fair
are spread to those needing a sale. The bull one puts up with for a dollar.
Like a prison where they play with rats in a maze the rigged. Just my piece. I
like companies who value good people and teach leaders not just put it in their
manual. Then to let streets rules of engagement be implemented by management.
Not a kiss ass type so this song made me deal till it was just too much.
Crystals and meditation sessions did not cut it. Too much. #MyRelease
Letting It Out, How Much Ones Truth Can Help
At times one like me would think to give up and then a email
asking for my information comes in. Then when the story is told it hits a cord
since the person is in the same situation as you. I am sucker to always give
help to all like me. Too many are in need of guidance and with all these
organizations about, why is there such a need? If so many are saying they take
up the charge, why the lack of help? My opinion, too many and I see this with a
client of mine want to be "Known" but not doing much to put a dent in
the disparities. Many watch what this client does and start their own org. Yet
many are not even qualified to be advising. How do you with no husband, kids
and life experiences share your truth to those you want to help? Where is your
What happen to the cause? Yes all want their initiative and
name to be known, yet the goal is to do what my client does. She shares her
truth with the youth she mentors no matter if her friends, family or immediate
social circle supports. Letting those you mentor know that this well put
together person in front of you has a story. One that is not said in a
prophetic ready to put in a post for a great read way. The real stuff that is
confided in another, that youth. Like me, I was molested and he did it from the
age of seven to sixteen. When many who can relate understand I too was ashamed
and blamed myself. You relive the why's through them who are telling you their
truth. Majority who were like me told and were silenced, the other travesty in
the shame game. I went to my parents and they too asked me to keep it in the
family. This is good for the girl who is angry to hear and see one like me that
is willing to claim the facts and show that I have done so much since. All
while I struggle with demons. No amount of therapy will erase what images come
to mind. Just help deal.
This is why those like one who got a hint from one of my
posts a few years back went doing a video. It was so fake to me. Like
suspected, no other mention the next year publicly as the first share about the
initiative? Like it was an opportunist move. The one thing, I did not go in
much more then FB vent because if it is her truth that would be the same as
those in my family who dismissed my feelings and many still do to this day. Many
have to do as I do, move away. For me it was listening to friends say it was
stupid for one to allow it. Yet many fail to understand that manipulation,
threats, and alienation make it easy. If you are always home with your abuser,
labeled trouble which they use to their advantage, and do not have a protective
father much can go well for the molester. A child is groomed to accept the
behavior that feels weird but who are they going to tell? Then when they do it
is all a secret to dispel so the family is not affected. So from a real talk
place ones mental is fucked up for a long time. Staying away during holidays
because the perpetrator is still around and no one cares to address is my
reason for the blow ups. Leaving you to deal with the emotions. One has to learn
what works for them.
For me, I just have music and my thoughts I write down as my
mind races. I have gotten into Crystal Healing. I go to the beach when thoughts
rattle me that are so depressing and let each wave going out take the hurt and
confusion away. Man, I started by going in and went into my truth. Yet, many
need to understand to really stop all their bashing of another and keep it to
the facts not the person. I have many I do not care for who perpetrate but much
is covered up because they are not ready to let the world know they are
homeless like I have been and have no qualms about sharing. Or my own sexual
abuse I let others know when pertinent to. Much of my avoidance in sharing is
because more than me was affected and will be effected. Yet, as years go by I
find as they do not care for my mental well being to heal, I do not care about
their rosy life they want to act like nothing happened in and think it is okay
to bring the perpetrators name up. It is like a slap in the face I must deal with
and I do. As I deal with all other domino effects due to my leaving and being outcast of the family. Many in it want to front while holding me to forgiving and forgetting a matter that has not been addressed. So my detached nature
actually protects me and why I do me.
Everyday I live my truth and share it with those who need to
hear it. I am not one making it my platform. I just will be that former driver
for an ex that talked to the girls I use to shuttle to the club, manage or take to
their private party. All of them would stop dancing or escorting just from the
conversations we would have. My ex was not too happy with the resignations,
lol. I felt good because many were into what they do because as I, they do not
put a value on sex as in emotional connection value. It is just an act as it was when
introduced at a young age. Perceptions. Their reply, "You do not act or
look like someone who has gone through all you have." Yes, because I am
not one to let emotions that I can detach from easily affect the matter at
hand. I can get a troubling piece of news and deal with it while I get back to what is at hand which can be work, building something or giving assistance to one.
This is one reason many around me feel I can take much. Yet
all the things I dealt with at a young age made me leave at seventeen and also
call for my venting my irritations. Yet I cry, it may take me a while for it to come out or
years even but I do eventually let it out. I use to think when young crying was
for the guilty and weak. Cancer makes me cry more and make me let stress go
quicker. I do not "F" with anyone who gets to me. For me it is a
sensory, mental reason to get into another time. We all know who we can deal
with. So I found what works for me and take my "Nancy Moments". Find
your truth and do not let anyone even those you invite into your truth to tell
you different. Let their advice be that while you take what works for you.
Where is the Truth?
So why I go in on the phony asses out here that keep it on. We all want better, yet many are hurting the situation "Faking It Till They Make It". Hurting young impressionable youth chances. If they do not know ones struggle how is a positive post alone going to help? How is a picture of one in a cap and gown going to help the one who lacks stability and the know how to get it? Everyone is a critic, mentor or whatever but where are the true "Meat & Potatoes" instructions? Where is the truth?
Monday, May 11, 2015
Let Them Hang: Chris Brown feat. Usher & Rick Ross - New Flame (Explicit Version)
Alright, alright, I find this stuff a bit hilarious and here is a glimpse at one of many things that went through my mind all at once while watching this music video.
Watching Chris Brown tells much to the tight pants wearing men, lol. They need to hang dammit, thee balls. You could hear me say thing to many at FAU when I was going there. Let them breathe and save your future seeds, lol.
I Connected To This Song: Selena Gomez - The Heart Wants What It Wants (Official Video)
For me the visuals of what comes from my memory maybe the reason songs like this get me in my past feelings but not in ways of missing. It just is a way and reason why I loved sitting in my car at wee hours of the morning listening to HOT 105. This is really how I song cry, cry for real since the actual act makes me tired and gives me a headache. I hate crying and for me that means at times I reminisce I play Mariah or songs like this one in a mix just evokes the thought and overcoming it.
I don't know just a thing I learned when young around middle school when then Sarah McLachlan
was the artist of choice for my sister and I to do this to. Nice when someone else is the same, I guess influences and the fact we slept in the same bed till I was seventeen and she fifteen. That too is a reason I love to cause it consoled me when not with her back when I left. Memories can be so jumbled with pain and happiness all at once.
Love This Video: Ellie Goulding - Love Me Like You Do (Official Video)
I love this song. One of those songs that just have you zoned out thinking of that special someone as they are with you intimately connecting. For me and all I have been through it is not during sex. It is those moments you really connect on a deeper level that is not always as romantically glamorous as the movies. Just those moments that get you in your feelings. Just my take listening to it while in "The Groove" as in work mojo.
Hibernation While Still On Beast Mode
When you have to hibernate while keeping things on course the way learned when unexpectedly before.
The point of learning from past trials is how to over come planed goals that call for same environment and mental rigors of those unexpected ones with ones expected. Very proud of this progress. The point when you are so confident and comfortable with all that will be and has been. When you see your dreams coming true though you must work harder than you ever imagined, you know you will be okay. You learn through much that if you went through worst, why not go through this like a breeze? Because you already proved to yourself before through the initial times you made it out. Those you lost were later seen to be blessings, blessings you now make on a regular back into the universe those negative elements go for you to receive breathe of positivity. Exhale the negative and inhale the positive, breathe.
I am so honored for my scars that still have many healing. Just now it does not sting when sour shit is put on them as reminders. I just counter it with alcohol now that I apply. I apply my hurt and the solution. I have found my MO as to dealing and have no qualms about them. I do not deal with snakes, that will never change. I do not do well with certain ways of people and understand we do not need to be friends. I just do not have to be in their presence if I can help it. I do not accept anyone's judgement either. Last I recall, I never saw them in the trenches with me to witness all not said. Like they say, "You weren't with me shooting in the gym?" Were you?
The point of learning from past trials is how to over come planed goals that call for same environment and mental rigors of those unexpected ones with ones expected. Very proud of this progress. The point when you are so confident and comfortable with all that will be and has been. When you see your dreams coming true though you must work harder than you ever imagined, you know you will be okay. You learn through much that if you went through worst, why not go through this like a breeze? Because you already proved to yourself before through the initial times you made it out. Those you lost were later seen to be blessings, blessings you now make on a regular back into the universe those negative elements go for you to receive breathe of positivity. Exhale the negative and inhale the positive, breathe.
I am so honored for my scars that still have many healing. Just now it does not sting when sour shit is put on them as reminders. I just counter it with alcohol now that I apply. I apply my hurt and the solution. I have found my MO as to dealing and have no qualms about them. I do not deal with snakes, that will never change. I do not do well with certain ways of people and understand we do not need to be friends. I just do not have to be in their presence if I can help it. I do not accept anyone's judgement either. Last I recall, I never saw them in the trenches with me to witness all not said. Like they say, "You weren't with me shooting in the gym?" Were you?
Why I Fell Off, Just Could Not Handle It
When some you been watching for years all of a sudden get
rid of all they trained the web they were about to mislead many to a booking
site now. Biggest no no anyone handling ones online presence could ever do.
Thus why I just had to leave this community alone as in seeking those online
and on Facebook the first source for HAY features as to professionals from the
community. The whole goal was to meet those "On It" online that when
shared the youth online could research them and find much. Yet the confusion
online I deal with and must piece together shows me why there is still a huge
niche market. Even when they band together it is still in a cliquish way.
"They do not do things like that. You may be a threat
to what they see you becoming." -Anonymous Ass I Blocked Twice Before for
Good. This was a reply to my inbox to them on why a certain group associated
with a specific page that in the beginning came after me wrong and still so
slightly now. Just one thing they are not in HAY Online's league as much as
they care to understand. I asked why they do not share others much that are
representative of the right ways to present online and this "Numb
Nuts" tells me the above reply. I knew then he did not get what I was
talking about a marketing and promotion wannabe should have gotten, sharing is
caring for a brands relevancy. I even offered him many tools I still use to
this day since I saw nothing of their Facebook and online presence which is
sadly done with now. Not surprised though but really felt as I was positioning
for the future they were too. Even then I should have peeped what four years of
lies, failed promises of support and gossip that would have me slap and handle
them all a way. So why my happy tail does not go to many functions. I would and
have stepped to many on why they were blocked, we do not talk at all and why I
just stop even collaborating,
These mavericks and mavens get so much love as in people
flocking to them or doing pieces that just do not cut it. Yes, be a visionary
and that is not refuted for a few that are not just taking opportunity but
truly down for the cause. Yet, please if you care about your brand so much,
stop letting friends steer you wrong just because they do it free or for less.
Really, these are not the times online for any brand online to be playing. You
do not make immediate overhauls to online presence, you just do not and any SEO
specialist worth their weight would tell a client who is eager to chill and
take it slow with drastic website redesigns that make them loose their rank. I
love the fact that even when many who turned out to be snakes were reached out
to by me, all I said has come to pass and my brand is still online the way it
was intended. Had I associated the way many think helps HAY Online, it would
suffer worst. I have learned to stop boosting egos that just did not deserve it
more than the nepotism they built well that is "Bubble Like" one
thing I hate when I see key signals of one. "Bubbles", I hate with a passion and only use the biggest for work. I learn
much from it that helps.
I do not state my disdain to be their provider. I personally
would not ever work for many I monitor. With SEO being a field that changes,
understanding many's mentality and how they just are there to scrutinize
something they do not understand would never open up to that headache as I
learned with many I did much for and watch them go to others doing what I call,
playing. Just facts as to practice so
for many privy to my "Going Ins" it is not because of jealousy or
bashing. I take this serious because over fourteen years I see many within the
community that just "Half Ass" while they feel to talk about me and
my ways.
Yet when I do my research, vet my own prowess, and keep
doing so for past over decade my stuff stays online while theirs fizzle away. I
know why and would not dare allude to it, then I would really be talking too
much. See when you understand who would be coming for you while you build a
community of support for the youth, you do what I did. You link up to all who
seem to be "Mover' & Shaker's which if anyone use to follow well from
the start, HAY Online use to feature them until SEO and online tactics were
mastered. The once well-known I though personality that charged me $400 to
promote a Haitian Jonas event I sadly learned was another pod/clique relevant
promoter and could not ever do for me what I have done for self. As my numbers
grew and presence their own company was using Flash websites all wrong,
promoting on one station affiliated with their own nonprofit but because I did
not know anything about the Haitian community I entrusted those I thought could
help. Sadly was I mistaken. While they had a buzz among a crowd that was never
my intended target, I thought their work would get to mine. Until the cold
asking in the streets of my demographic target started. None knew of the people I
learned of and thought were the "It" crowd and still to this day they
are unknown. So my leaving the community alone is not just for the games many
idiots play with me wrong it is also because I learned something the past four
years. The past four years was all "Smoke in Mirrors", the put on. Just my thoughts.
Sunday, May 10, 2015
Life Lesson: I Have Moved On, Change In Effect
Today this Mother's Day Sunday, thanks to "Mama D" and Drieve, I started on a new
path that affords me the flexibility I needed while making the income to keep
on. The only difference is I have learned enough since 1998 when I left home.
I learned so much about myself with the patterns that lead
to successes and the ones that lead to downfalls. When you are the one who
knows your life. What many say about you to your face who do not know the root
why you are treated a way or why you have it tough most of the time, can get to
one. Yet, through life's journey and my health reasons I learned quickly to nip
those things in the bud that got to me.
One being what people say about me in my face publicly and
rumors I hear when brought to my attention. I was there during the times many
try to postulate the why's to the little they are told or see. So it gives me
solace to know that finally I got what I always longed for. One who understood
those like me who truly rejoices in the smallest of acts, can understand why
for me, I must acknowledge it.
The act of one being that figure and chance all know one
needs and should receive but for some it is not easy to attain when all around
you have the "They will be fine" attitude towards. Well I was not and
those who dropped the ball should have known better. Known better than to tell
their seed they allowed things to be purposely to teach a lesson. Now to come
to that same seen at 25 and admit with a late apology they were sorry for
holding me back. Sorry does not cut it for all who thought I was a chicken with
their head cut off when all I was, was a young girl looking for a home, for
real, for real.
Many will never understand why one like I with so many rings
of a sad onion to still peel to overcome has to do all this. Some parts I let
rot out with them the idea of ever rehashing and making it right. It is not
fair to me who has moved on to let anyone come in years later and look for
closure. My mental does not need it nor does my health. I wish many who say
things along the lines, "Do not rob them of closure," yet they robbed
me of 28 years of so much. I waited until my mental was more important. Nancy
was more important, which is the ultimate reason my life is how it is. I never
put myself first and as I learned to more people had to go. No time for the setbacks
and feel that I confronted and discussed all my gripes over and over to
switching stories tactics, blatant avoiding the set meeting with pastor and
those involved and so much from the age of 10 when much was known. So
unannounced to many who feel to lay their opinion, I did my part at ages I was
not even supposed to be the one initiating them. So I learn to stop feeling
like I must explain because when many realize they are never told the full story,
one will do what I do to many now, just listen. I tell all now who come to me
with their issues I only know of what you said here is my opinion. No more is
one like I going to lay it down as if I have full command of another's truth.
Saturday, May 9, 2015
Reflections: Strategy, Strategy, Strategy Should Be Unique Just Study Competition MO
Modus Operandi Image from The Crafty Print |
When all strategies are coming into play well.
What one may assume is always not the case. When constant content must be
shared, it truly is how it is shared. It is one thing for all involved to
contribute their part and have found the best collaborations for HAY Online
Media is with "Beasts" like it. When you deal with people who truly
have a passion for what they do and it is not an opportunist move. Those who
will be in the trenches cranking out the product no matter if there was a
comment, like or share as some use this as a gauge of popularity. Yet, one
question: How did you know with the few places you put the information about
your brand it was not something the public wanted?
Too many stop a project before it could even be shared by
the right people in the right places. The "Trials & Errors" is
what should be the lessons learned that educate you where to put your brand.
When many compare themselves online with pages that share pictures about Haiti,
I really dislike this because the person comparing their brand with this page's
following forgets that images are big for anyone and a search engine. It is a
no brainer that a page sharing images that appeal to those looking for a
beautiful scenic picture of Haiti to brag about will get more attention, yet
after that what is it they are solving as in a audience members problems? If
you are a service oriented brand then you should never be comparing to a
leisure page. Many need to focus on building a unique identity. Focus on
finding what will get a conversation going.
Stop comparing and start setting yourself apart. That is
what all are looking for and if not a website, do not claim to be. If not
providing much of what you are sharing on your social media, change that
strategy to share your brand as much as possible within recommended times based
on your monitoring of insights which should be your new best friend. The first
three to six months for many should be filled with daily and all day checking
if you are in buzz and brand awareness stage. Need to learn the little audience
you have you are tripping about unwarranted at this point of buzz creation. The
point here is to be on the right platforms, at the right times for your brands
audience behavior you learn through insights, and stay there year after year
building your audience while monitoring for opportunity to make an impression
that gets more interested. If a niche focus on building that niche up like a
founder builds a community for real, for real. Make sure to protect, protect,
protect against anyone throwing negative SEO.
It happened to me with Google by a Haitian hater who
underestimated much as to how the web works and how when you put your stank on
the web it makes it hard not impossible but one like me is ready. I live for
things like this. A group would have to work very hard with how I was waiting
for many to come at me a way. Thus why I started blogging. If many feel to be a
way, I must just share the truth as to my point of view on matters. So why I
will state my disdain for key individuals I do not mind one dealing with but
they are nasty individuals that perpetrate to be nice I will never work with.
They may be nice with their cronies and those they kisses tail, but their
behavior like scared idiots is why I will always address them a way. Block them
and will not let it be easy for them to copy. Idiots that still do not get it.
All this time they were trying to blow up ones spot, they were supposed to
focus on branching out while training the web. Those years cannot be taken back
wasted in the wrong direction of reinventing without doing the right things
along the way I still do not see done. SMH, anyway, have a productive day! I
know I will.
Friday, May 8, 2015
A Weiner Whacker, Weiner Whacker, Weiner Whacker Get's None
Fucking for help? Not me. No way. The things you hear make
you want to Loraina Bobbit some for real. So why I tell many homeboys to be
there for their daughters so they are not left in destitute situations. Men
need to reflect on how they too are coming after another's child. Yet when you
look at how many fatherless homes there are, there is no wonder why the
disregard by many boys who were fatherless. You would think having mothers
would curb this issue, but when the penis gets an itch, it must be scratched or
whacked, lol. For real, for real though I hate the things I hear or I myself
have had to go through. The business meeting that was just a concocted date.
The constant stringing along and then the trip with you and them offered. I guess that is why when single I did
"Booty Calls" that I controlled. I am the type that has to be turned
on and money actually does the opposite. Maybe the wealthy kids I grew up with
turned me off to it as to the behavior some with it are common to exhibit.
The biggest turn off
is a man who flashes and thus why I have been in a shelter faster than give it
up just for a place to stay.I could not sleep at night knowing the nut I gave
another was for something. I would feel like a prostitute and not saying this
to knock another who does this. Just not me. I like to feel it is mutual and
just very picky about men. Most of those who flaunt what they have are a major
turn off to me. Just really hate hearing some bull. Any who had to share cause
this too is another reason many Haitian American girls have come to me with
complaints. Even when some of the men I collaborate with try it I cut ties
because I did not start a supportive community to harbor ass holes who send
inappropriate inboxes I am snapshot and told of. This is one thing I take
seriously. I address it and do no more business with them. I cannot have my
brand associated with this at all and will not care what the male has to say. I
stick by the female who is vulnerable searching for help and guidance. Not a
twirl around and not help in the long run more than a bad reputation helped
around the scene as to being easy.
Understand The Behavior Of Those You Look To Rank Among
When you understand the mentality of those within your niche, it has you prepare for the ignorance as in blatant act of not even acknowledging you online. More than the personal emails sent to my brand for their inclusion in my sharing of information, not many if not a close affiliate will lend my brand authority. Many are to busy figuring out how to attain it themselves, while mine is just sharing them all. So that is one area where no worries for HAY Online as in building authority on producing informative content in the culture realm more than the target focus that is promoted which is not anyone of the many who know of HAY Online and still do not link. Many know what linking could do if their links were ideal for HAY Online to begin with. Within the Haitian community and Haitian American community as HAY Online defines it, not how many naturalized citizen do, was a given for such behavior. Behavior of the niche one looks to get into is important to understand and make sure to build fail proofs so their blatant ignorance does not hurt your rank.
The biggest reason many do not promote among the Haitian community is the "Crab Mentality" along with the cliquish behavior. An advertiser has no time for nepotism that is big within the Haitian community. As I learned with the research I am compiling on the Haitian demographic and Haitian American Demographic behavior online, it shows what many already know about "The Typical Haitian Way" I call it. The superstar among a small group that within their environment is a boost but when compared to the vast majority at large, only those pods of followers know of the brand relevantly. There is a big lack in understanding the fundamentals of showing true brand power pass immediate circle.
If one is not deemed relevant among a set circle, you get no love. Especially if you are like me who knew the inherent rejection due to MO. I do not "Kiss Ass" at all and look for true staying power. In the beginning I held on to "Dead Ducks" due to importance of branding online and how it is accomplished. Then SEO changed and started to focus on each individual you link to and their true relevance past the brands nepotism.
Example, to show this is if one uses SEO tools and practices to gauge many brands within the Haitian community, many are not adhering to things that will help them. Many are still following limiting practices. This is more exacerbated with the arrogance many especially the males have as to their knowledge. When I see IT professionals not up on what I am that helps me rank better and better it is telling. Not trying to knock anyone but it is equivalent to the doctor who has the degree but does not follow up on the latest medical advancements within their designated practice. They have the title and many flock to this person because of it. Yet if more research were done, the holes would be evident.
When I see so much in disarray and understand the stubborn mentality many have, I make sure my assistance is now given to a more eager group, the youth HAY Online is supposed to help stand the test of time so they can acclimate themselves among a more supportive community and why HAY Online's number one focus was to always begin small and only use paid tactics to gain viable followers. The initial and still main onslaught of followers are what I call, "Rubber Neckers" not truly intended target since with in the culture, being nosy is a given. So when many do not get why certain things are presented on my profile compared to company profile it is nice to understand this confuses. See I trained the web as to all many deem confusing. I understood and still do that many will come in to just learn, take away from you just to turn to their circle and provide services they assume they got the gist of to others. One huge copycat I do not even associate with past a over three year ago fashion event is sadly evident as to how this community works. No need to name names, she knows who she is. Her rank on sites she creates either are non-existent or sadly for many who let her play I will say suffer for at a time one cannot afford to for real, for real.
Yes, in true Haitian fashion perception against true evidence always is the winner and why many suffer in their rank because of it. Those who know me know this about me. I am always offering help to a fault that is, most often I am not asked. I use to open myself up to people who seemed to really practice what they preached until the truth in motives was discovered and the years of research with data compiled the past four years showed some sad facts. Many really are unaware of how the web truly works even many IT professionals. Being with one who knows his stuff has shown me this in practice as to how he too goes about online practices and I am the one telling him. It can get frustrating to hear people have this and that kind of assistance and still see so much that should be not.
Well, I could go on but I have a site that was purposely presented every step of the way how it has been scrutinized by many. See when you understand your own very well and their "Support Make-Up" which can be equated to the saddest "Crab in The Bucket" group ever known to man, you do not feel so bad of the lack of it. It goes to show that in 2015 much of why a country cannot get it together is why online they cannot too. When one has to keep dropping people because of suspect things that do not help those doing is seen, it is disheartening but telling. I send an email asking what is up, if no reply I inbox. I try to do as much I can before I just say bye for good. No time for me to play when the goal was always corporate and to show those who really mattered in HAY Online goals we mean business. I want the youth supported and when one understands the kissing of ass to get it, one learns from jump not to need it. This is why I could not have ever started out as providing that which was shared. It would have been exactly how it was and is now to get an interview or even acknowledged by key figures who purposely ignore because one may not be deemed their "Stylo". Sad thing is the assumptions actually hurt them. See when I say "Beast" it has nothing to do with posting every where it has to do with the other aspects HAY Online as a brand is building itself up to as many continue to hurt themselves and they obviously do not even know it. How you doing online? Have a productive day! I Know I will.
The biggest reason many do not promote among the Haitian community is the "Crab Mentality" along with the cliquish behavior. An advertiser has no time for nepotism that is big within the Haitian community. As I learned with the research I am compiling on the Haitian demographic and Haitian American Demographic behavior online, it shows what many already know about "The Typical Haitian Way" I call it. The superstar among a small group that within their environment is a boost but when compared to the vast majority at large, only those pods of followers know of the brand relevantly. There is a big lack in understanding the fundamentals of showing true brand power pass immediate circle.
If one is not deemed relevant among a set circle, you get no love. Especially if you are like me who knew the inherent rejection due to MO. I do not "Kiss Ass" at all and look for true staying power. In the beginning I held on to "Dead Ducks" due to importance of branding online and how it is accomplished. Then SEO changed and started to focus on each individual you link to and their true relevance past the brands nepotism.
Example, to show this is if one uses SEO tools and practices to gauge many brands within the Haitian community, many are not adhering to things that will help them. Many are still following limiting practices. This is more exacerbated with the arrogance many especially the males have as to their knowledge. When I see IT professionals not up on what I am that helps me rank better and better it is telling. Not trying to knock anyone but it is equivalent to the doctor who has the degree but does not follow up on the latest medical advancements within their designated practice. They have the title and many flock to this person because of it. Yet if more research were done, the holes would be evident.
When I see so much in disarray and understand the stubborn mentality many have, I make sure my assistance is now given to a more eager group, the youth HAY Online is supposed to help stand the test of time so they can acclimate themselves among a more supportive community and why HAY Online's number one focus was to always begin small and only use paid tactics to gain viable followers. The initial and still main onslaught of followers are what I call, "Rubber Neckers" not truly intended target since with in the culture, being nosy is a given. So when many do not get why certain things are presented on my profile compared to company profile it is nice to understand this confuses. See I trained the web as to all many deem confusing. I understood and still do that many will come in to just learn, take away from you just to turn to their circle and provide services they assume they got the gist of to others. One huge copycat I do not even associate with past a over three year ago fashion event is sadly evident as to how this community works. No need to name names, she knows who she is. Her rank on sites she creates either are non-existent or sadly for many who let her play I will say suffer for at a time one cannot afford to for real, for real.
Yes, in true Haitian fashion perception against true evidence always is the winner and why many suffer in their rank because of it. Those who know me know this about me. I am always offering help to a fault that is, most often I am not asked. I use to open myself up to people who seemed to really practice what they preached until the truth in motives was discovered and the years of research with data compiled the past four years showed some sad facts. Many really are unaware of how the web truly works even many IT professionals. Being with one who knows his stuff has shown me this in practice as to how he too goes about online practices and I am the one telling him. It can get frustrating to hear people have this and that kind of assistance and still see so much that should be not.
Well, I could go on but I have a site that was purposely presented every step of the way how it has been scrutinized by many. See when you understand your own very well and their "Support Make-Up" which can be equated to the saddest "Crab in The Bucket" group ever known to man, you do not feel so bad of the lack of it. It goes to show that in 2015 much of why a country cannot get it together is why online they cannot too. When one has to keep dropping people because of suspect things that do not help those doing is seen, it is disheartening but telling. I send an email asking what is up, if no reply I inbox. I try to do as much I can before I just say bye for good. No time for me to play when the goal was always corporate and to show those who really mattered in HAY Online goals we mean business. I want the youth supported and when one understands the kissing of ass to get it, one learns from jump not to need it. This is why I could not have ever started out as providing that which was shared. It would have been exactly how it was and is now to get an interview or even acknowledged by key figures who purposely ignore because one may not be deemed their "Stylo". Sad thing is the assumptions actually hurt them. See when I say "Beast" it has nothing to do with posting every where it has to do with the other aspects HAY Online as a brand is building itself up to as many continue to hurt themselves and they obviously do not even know it. How you doing online? Have a productive day! I Know I will.
"Method To My Madness" The Reason For My Modus Operandi
I would not be at 5,020,000 from a little over 6,000,000 in rank in less than a month for no reason if I did not know what I was doing.
You must understand your terrain as in who you will be categorized with. What will they be sharing? What is their intent? Are they relying on certain things more heavily than another? Who deems them relevant? Who is the circle that is always following, attending their events? How is it shared their information? Who is sharing it all the time? Who is initially sought out first? Figuring how their affiliation is even done? Learning each individuals online profile. So much one like I looks at because the initial reason for all this was to make sure HAY Online Media understood a demographic many would love to jump into but see to many red flags to really trust more than the humanitarian industry I will call it.
If not a 501 C 3 and that alone is another area of contention bu if not you are really told to become one by many. Those looking for instant funding when that was never HAY Online's goal. After researching online databases in 2002 of states and the many Haitian non-profits then, it showed me what is evident today. Non profits are deemed lucrative yet when you really follow the funding, they really do not get much funding. Then the favors done on the low, low of for nothing that make one present a way yet the finding to put it on was not solely for donors but from how many do it, their own pockets. So an inherent perception is kept up that one is so well funded and this truly is not the case. So much has to be done on a nepotistic basis to get going. This is not a great look and has many youth come to me crying they are not supported, yet they too fail to understand they are reaching out to someone who is strapped themselves and perpetrating a cycle that keeps the community under- valued.
Many fail to get that if a corporation starts to really do their own research and find inconsistencies in the whole picture, they will not be so looked to for funding their initiatives anymore. When McDonald's realizes its affiliation is not even known outside the circle many cling to, they are not going to see to spend their dollars in it again and go with the one who is best using what they are supposed to. One example is how many are putting affiliations with brands rightfully so for association but leave it on a post. SMH, this alone is so limiting. Too many love "Bubbles(link to definition of one)" and cannot for the lazy life of them stop making them the central hub for information. Then those who sadly affiliate with brands who already have their own identity that leads to confusion. I for one am no longer doing what I use to do that was taken wrong. As a mentor told me I need to stop making myself accessible.
You must understand your terrain as in who you will be categorized with. What will they be sharing? What is their intent? Are they relying on certain things more heavily than another? Who deems them relevant? Who is the circle that is always following, attending their events? How is it shared their information? Who is sharing it all the time? Who is initially sought out first? Figuring how their affiliation is even done? Learning each individuals online profile. So much one like I looks at because the initial reason for all this was to make sure HAY Online Media understood a demographic many would love to jump into but see to many red flags to really trust more than the humanitarian industry I will call it.
If not a 501 C 3 and that alone is another area of contention bu if not you are really told to become one by many. Those looking for instant funding when that was never HAY Online's goal. After researching online databases in 2002 of states and the many Haitian non-profits then, it showed me what is evident today. Non profits are deemed lucrative yet when you really follow the funding, they really do not get much funding. Then the favors done on the low, low of for nothing that make one present a way yet the finding to put it on was not solely for donors but from how many do it, their own pockets. So an inherent perception is kept up that one is so well funded and this truly is not the case. So much has to be done on a nepotistic basis to get going. This is not a great look and has many youth come to me crying they are not supported, yet they too fail to understand they are reaching out to someone who is strapped themselves and perpetrating a cycle that keeps the community under- valued.
Many fail to get that if a corporation starts to really do their own research and find inconsistencies in the whole picture, they will not be so looked to for funding their initiatives anymore. When McDonald's realizes its affiliation is not even known outside the circle many cling to, they are not going to see to spend their dollars in it again and go with the one who is best using what they are supposed to. One example is how many are putting affiliations with brands rightfully so for association but leave it on a post. SMH, this alone is so limiting. Too many love "Bubbles(link to definition of one)" and cannot for the lazy life of them stop making them the central hub for information. Then those who sadly affiliate with brands who already have their own identity that leads to confusion. I for one am no longer doing what I use to do that was taken wrong. As a mentor told me I need to stop making myself accessible.
"Bubbles" Oh How I Hate Them
What is a "Bubble"? Any platform that has its own analytic collection methods, keeps links branding them only, do not allow my favorite Pinterest, those who lead all back to them and the biggest indicator of one for me is the fact SEO tools cannot be used that are not their own. So I am proud to tell many who are mistaken about Facebook or Instagram centered online presence right now, they are going down a rabbit hole. Until further notice/changes to how SEO works, many need to break out of Facebook everything and create another central "Hub" like a blog or website where information is shared then from there to Facebook. I am on it like crack because clients and affiliated partners are and I follow their activity for good reason. I need to witness behavior all over the web so "Dead Duck(Define this)" characteristics are seen before they hurt ultimate goal. "Dead Ducks", I cannot deal with.
Now one thing I love to do is play "Possum", yes, I love the misunderstandings and those who look to ones appearance in the old mind frame of branding and online presenting. I just loooooooooooooooove it. It is evident of this when many re-do their websites and well I will just let the web deal with that. As I always say, "Train the web and all will be fine." HAY Online Media is good at that and that is why it is clear to the web what HAY is about and great many others assumptions are well evident with the emails, inbox and rumors that get back to me are learned of. It can bother one at times, but for the most part when I wake to beautiful results based on strategy it makes me feel better. I do much daily since a visual person, to remind me of accomplishments and goals met. Those inner joys makes one not really mind when family turns against you because another "Dead Duck" takes them on as whatever, or the affiliate you once were associated with looses faith, or the many whom you started with go their way for other reason. In all the experience has made HAY Online Media change much in how we partner with others online, contract language changes and make the immediate circle hard to penetrate.
Conglomerate type moves that only want those who just "Get It" truly to be apart. I learn quick many I assumed "Got It" really never did. That is why now with the cost sky rocketing, boy one can hate and gossip. I will look a checks with a smile and happy the youth taking over HAY can make more than their wildest dreams just doing what they are trained to. I vet all I reached out to about employment because loyalty is important now with how much is to learn and changing. HAY Online Media cannot afford to hire spies or not have contracts that imply confidentiality and not divulging trade secrets. So much treachery and snakes with smiles. Man, when a IT person told me they know what I am doing and I could have done more than I was for them, It got to me. I went to venting on my timeline. The nerve to tell me they get it but obviously this person did not get I watch all I am connected to and learn their MO no matter how long it takes. So my questions to them that are still not answered to this day were based on what I monitored of them. One, because after a few weeks of no reply I blocked them so no way to come back to me with a reply if they wanted to. Two, I am a visual person and cannot see one in my feed who is ignoring me, being very unappreciative, and has the nerve to say such things but show opposite. It will have me vent post, go in when we speak via phone or person and just not care to even collaborate anymore with them. This is sadly the case now.
Many I still respect I just cannot affiliate with out of principle as they do to me. I do not take to heart one moving on because I will always be in the corner of those who need the spring board. I am not after mainstream celebrities and IG'ing their wives like a "Kiss Ass". I am not trying to doll up and go to events I really cannot stand the music of more than maybe an hour. I really cannot do as many in business do ignore show boating and blatant ignorance of my brands inclusion even when logo is on the banner. Ever since first major even HAY Online covered and the announcer did this and I know purposely along with those who put on, I have had a bad taste in my mouth. For as much as I heard other brands part of media it hurt my feelings those I brought with me were like we did not hear HAY. Then when I go to the one who founded and am given some bull to hold, I just had to fix my face. It really got me that day but I slapped up video and just from there it has not been the same. Then this year since I again I monitor all I associate with and their MO noticed some things as affiliations and behavior that did not sit well with me. To see my brands logo not on a site and yet that day I am queuing in posts for it really troubled me and I let my spirit with actions it promoted guide my reaction. So I went to slowing down, saying I will send someone else but then was like nah. Then to see logo added as if I never noticed was not cool. It is one thing for me not to deal with another because of brand protection and nothing to do with personal gripes as to things they did. It is another though to see a malicious group be hailed as humble, that ish put the icing on the cake for me.
I cannot deal with phony. No way. So I leave all alone now who try it in my opinion and do not go back more than share their own promo within their own bubbles. I will not do what I do for many that did not know it for that brand anymore. When you are not getting paid but have set understandings that are not equal as in energy you put in and what you are getting out of it, one has to make a decision. Mine is to not even entertain that relationship anymore. I did what I came to do no matter if not the way they were told or expected. Things said to be done can change based off new revelations that informing one who has no clue, busy or whatever time consuming is not feasible within the scope of what it is I actually do. So bye, bye old approach as in collaborating and hello to a world of true collaborations. I had to learn as all else who once were apart or still are apart of HAY. That is the main reason quotes from day one were always shared to cheer on those having to deal with "The Struggle". The struggle is real and I find it is best when among a group willing to get it and who do not deal with snakes. I cannot trust the snake, so I must bounce.
Now one thing I love to do is play "Possum", yes, I love the misunderstandings and those who look to ones appearance in the old mind frame of branding and online presenting. I just loooooooooooooooove it. It is evident of this when many re-do their websites and well I will just let the web deal with that. As I always say, "Train the web and all will be fine." HAY Online Media is good at that and that is why it is clear to the web what HAY is about and great many others assumptions are well evident with the emails, inbox and rumors that get back to me are learned of. It can bother one at times, but for the most part when I wake to beautiful results based on strategy it makes me feel better. I do much daily since a visual person, to remind me of accomplishments and goals met. Those inner joys makes one not really mind when family turns against you because another "Dead Duck" takes them on as whatever, or the affiliate you once were associated with looses faith, or the many whom you started with go their way for other reason. In all the experience has made HAY Online Media change much in how we partner with others online, contract language changes and make the immediate circle hard to penetrate.
Conglomerate type moves that only want those who just "Get It" truly to be apart. I learn quick many I assumed "Got It" really never did. That is why now with the cost sky rocketing, boy one can hate and gossip. I will look a checks with a smile and happy the youth taking over HAY can make more than their wildest dreams just doing what they are trained to. I vet all I reached out to about employment because loyalty is important now with how much is to learn and changing. HAY Online Media cannot afford to hire spies or not have contracts that imply confidentiality and not divulging trade secrets. So much treachery and snakes with smiles. Man, when a IT person told me they know what I am doing and I could have done more than I was for them, It got to me. I went to venting on my timeline. The nerve to tell me they get it but obviously this person did not get I watch all I am connected to and learn their MO no matter how long it takes. So my questions to them that are still not answered to this day were based on what I monitored of them. One, because after a few weeks of no reply I blocked them so no way to come back to me with a reply if they wanted to. Two, I am a visual person and cannot see one in my feed who is ignoring me, being very unappreciative, and has the nerve to say such things but show opposite. It will have me vent post, go in when we speak via phone or person and just not care to even collaborate anymore with them. This is sadly the case now.
Many I still respect I just cannot affiliate with out of principle as they do to me. I do not take to heart one moving on because I will always be in the corner of those who need the spring board. I am not after mainstream celebrities and IG'ing their wives like a "Kiss Ass". I am not trying to doll up and go to events I really cannot stand the music of more than maybe an hour. I really cannot do as many in business do ignore show boating and blatant ignorance of my brands inclusion even when logo is on the banner. Ever since first major even HAY Online covered and the announcer did this and I know purposely along with those who put on, I have had a bad taste in my mouth. For as much as I heard other brands part of media it hurt my feelings those I brought with me were like we did not hear HAY. Then when I go to the one who founded and am given some bull to hold, I just had to fix my face. It really got me that day but I slapped up video and just from there it has not been the same. Then this year since I again I monitor all I associate with and their MO noticed some things as affiliations and behavior that did not sit well with me. To see my brands logo not on a site and yet that day I am queuing in posts for it really troubled me and I let my spirit with actions it promoted guide my reaction. So I went to slowing down, saying I will send someone else but then was like nah. Then to see logo added as if I never noticed was not cool. It is one thing for me not to deal with another because of brand protection and nothing to do with personal gripes as to things they did. It is another though to see a malicious group be hailed as humble, that ish put the icing on the cake for me.
I cannot deal with phony. No way. So I leave all alone now who try it in my opinion and do not go back more than share their own promo within their own bubbles. I will not do what I do for many that did not know it for that brand anymore. When you are not getting paid but have set understandings that are not equal as in energy you put in and what you are getting out of it, one has to make a decision. Mine is to not even entertain that relationship anymore. I did what I came to do no matter if not the way they were told or expected. Things said to be done can change based off new revelations that informing one who has no clue, busy or whatever time consuming is not feasible within the scope of what it is I actually do. So bye, bye old approach as in collaborating and hello to a world of true collaborations. I had to learn as all else who once were apart or still are apart of HAY. That is the main reason quotes from day one were always shared to cheer on those having to deal with "The Struggle". The struggle is real and I find it is best when among a group willing to get it and who do not deal with snakes. I cannot trust the snake, so I must bounce.
No One's Sucker, Never Was
I get a inbox a day ago from some organization asking to see how we can help spread the word about their initiative. What they asked was a lot so I needed to understand what they wanted. To be shared or dedicated brand awareness? No more will HAY Online be asked about sharing a cause as collaboration for the often to happen issues. This is what I do not get by many who approach this way now a days. No reply too. No more am I collaborating with many in this Haitian community. To much in expectations on you while I am to understand why their end is not all together as how I need it to be. These things take time and need to fit my schedule. Thus why hiring while I transition back to working and school. Like I am going to go ham for a brand that has to be attended to like a paying client, not ever was this supposed to be. In beginning it was not as hairy. Now it has turned into an art form. Each person who does what I do has a MO that produces results and that is what many fail to understand. It is not a set approach for all. It must be unique for many reasons.
Now that the network built can do the job, it is either a simple blog and page created to share when relevant to or you pay for what use to be free. If not a HAY Online Partner who also pays and now it is $400 a year for all services handled and still never was that a take over ones online presence thing. Just promote hard body through HAY Online and open to promotion on affiliates websites relevantly, share on platforms, and guide on great practices specific for them. With the many who have come and gone who just did things or decided to go their separate ways no hard feelings. It happens. Yet I stop doing what I use to and many will notice not much a buzz about some nor much online associated. Because it was time consuming and disheartening at same time. So if not a partner, professional who is deemed a mentoring professional who is already set up a way for HAY to promote as such you will be paying to support initiatives.
The days of many who would inbox and such saying they will sponsor this and that while I am sharing their things and then time comes nothing. So I have had to block some I have resented for the years of non kept promises and I do not entertain those who are well connected coming into my inbox to take on shine just to feel it was their doing until they see the effect when not much is shared the way it is done by HAY. Many get complacent and then nasty when they see it is HAY all over sharing when a link is directed to HAY. Yet if they understood how the web worked as to posting these stupid calls would not be. If someone else is doing it more than you they will present more than you. Common sense and why it is vital for those who cannot afford someone to manage online anything to get that so they are not calling me mad that HAY Online comes up. Use it I would tell some who would call me mad and then I just learned to just not say anything anymore. Just delete their things, leave information about brand and stop sharing. Many want what you do for yourself and when done they are not pleased, yet they too are supposed to be doing it. Share it well while keeping yourself constantly relevant. It is not a ask to share and then be like okay they will do it attitude. Then get mad when it is my brand alone found online sharing it most. The few who thought their shine helped me position are sadly mistaken. My rank is better with or without them. Just because I praise many for always having something going, I am into branding too and would not be that way to use. It would not have got me where I am with Haitian American Youth Online's community.
Some rumors I have heard is like the one shemale snake who is feeling as she meddles with those I use to collaborate with it will hurt my goals. The only person she is hurting is the one she convinced to let handle their online presence. When you switch MO and drastically that hurts you not HAY who had trained the web years ago I call it to branding. That is an area that also eats me. Sad if they really knew the truth that I do not put my brand information within their promotion online so it all depends on how popping they are online. If they stop activity and HAY is not sharing in the interim then nothing as to our angle will stick. You are as good as those sharing you online period. I do tactics for the the credit to be theirs and when some get cocky as I call it that erks me and another reason I just do not openly seek partners. It is a lot of work and not feeling much I use to deal with. I need content but does not mean I cannot do fine getting it elsewhere online without any issue of building a relationship that at time is strained by the behavior I peep that makes me start to withdraw. Not worth it what I have put myself through and what I have been put through. Just my piece.
Sunday, May 3, 2015
Corporate, I Want Corporate No More Headaches That I Sought
"Corporate, I want corporate." That is what I must put as my daily mantra. When you understand what makes you look lucrative, you lay your foundation differently and study the playing field that has seen its share of players play and leave the field. While many carry on practices that are to my benefit, I also go through the punches of learning to do business. Money makes things happen and corporations who love to help are the main focus. Always has been. Maintaining a presence based off know how and barely much more than tools is very humbling to me.
To see so much come a long way with so many trials and tribulations that would have had many fold and not do so is great. Trust I thought to and then I learned of a beautiful tool that made the year I was so down and out not be noticed by the web because all was consistent and actively training the web on what HAY was about. Now to deliver on the content that has been in the works for years is another doozy with so many designers who have come and gone. Always great to improve gradually in impacting ways as to rank.
Just proud and never cared for others to notice those efforts. They are what gets my results and learning how to train without trade secrets getting out is what had me hold up on hiring. Oh yeah been learning about best payroll and find I will use PayPal and Payza for now. Contractors and less hassle come tax time. Intern starts in a few weeks. Now to handle annual report situation. Always something and learning to leave all the "Dead Ducks".
I find when no appreciation is seen and felt, one needs to leave another alone. None that have been left alone fully grasped all done on my part and should not but the actions I have noticed not cool at all. It is one thing as in my case to tell some this and that will be done and it is not. It is another when they are made full aware why and still play a year or so later "Amnesia". So I no longer bother to touch base after certain ignorance, I no longer speak at length on matters that can be read up on after initial time referencing them and making sure all in partnership are holding their end or I pull out. Thus why new contract that states this. Some partners had to be left alone due to nature or what I was to bring. Now the reimbursements is the doozy but a must. It takes its toll when you see you plan and plan yet nothing in return from some. Not to say one is always referencing compensation but the being left out of the loop. So for now I make it clear no more my searching for things not even shared properly to find easily. This search and seizure of content not shared or planed with me before hand to figure a way to share is no more. Many I understand get things from others who procrastinate or was not even done months in advance. Yet the way things are online, content needs to be made months in advance if to be shared well or made quickly as needed like hours after the event. Like images and video of an event. Reminds me of some I had difficulty with as to fitting promo of their content I only learned of when a YouTube video came up, or a post on Facebook who changes how one is notified every time improvements made.
No more can I partner with those not producing content how they should for set brand. It then is look at me to create and share things that take time out to get while not a dime is covering the time. It is time consuming and many need to get that when one is telling them within the scope of what they do they will be promoted, they too need to keep one abreast. I no longer take on more than I can chew as it pertains to the needs many have that assume I will deliver with next to no content and very meager events happening to share that tie in their brand. Just my thoughts and love when some realize what it all entails as to why so easy for me to walk away. Just love for all who have been left alone would also remember all that transpired. I made my apologies to some and others who feel to shove things constantly in ones face after no longer dealing with just shows why so much is the way it is. Many love what they see and do not get all the work it took to make it pop. Some were easier than others and others were harder to make pop due to so many inconsistencies that can have one in my position left with time consuming work and why it costs. Unless one is a youth meant to be helped, no more doing more than my fair share. No way. Had I known then the true beast it was, the language of first contract would have added some safety nets I now put in the new contracts. I want to position well so those promoted get their time to shine well outside Facebook and Instagram, the worst two bubbles of social media.
To see so much come a long way with so many trials and tribulations that would have had many fold and not do so is great. Trust I thought to and then I learned of a beautiful tool that made the year I was so down and out not be noticed by the web because all was consistent and actively training the web on what HAY was about. Now to deliver on the content that has been in the works for years is another doozy with so many designers who have come and gone. Always great to improve gradually in impacting ways as to rank.
Just proud and never cared for others to notice those efforts. They are what gets my results and learning how to train without trade secrets getting out is what had me hold up on hiring. Oh yeah been learning about best payroll and find I will use PayPal and Payza for now. Contractors and less hassle come tax time. Intern starts in a few weeks. Now to handle annual report situation. Always something and learning to leave all the "Dead Ducks".
I find when no appreciation is seen and felt, one needs to leave another alone. None that have been left alone fully grasped all done on my part and should not but the actions I have noticed not cool at all. It is one thing as in my case to tell some this and that will be done and it is not. It is another when they are made full aware why and still play a year or so later "Amnesia". So I no longer bother to touch base after certain ignorance, I no longer speak at length on matters that can be read up on after initial time referencing them and making sure all in partnership are holding their end or I pull out. Thus why new contract that states this. Some partners had to be left alone due to nature or what I was to bring. Now the reimbursements is the doozy but a must. It takes its toll when you see you plan and plan yet nothing in return from some. Not to say one is always referencing compensation but the being left out of the loop. So for now I make it clear no more my searching for things not even shared properly to find easily. This search and seizure of content not shared or planed with me before hand to figure a way to share is no more. Many I understand get things from others who procrastinate or was not even done months in advance. Yet the way things are online, content needs to be made months in advance if to be shared well or made quickly as needed like hours after the event. Like images and video of an event. Reminds me of some I had difficulty with as to fitting promo of their content I only learned of when a YouTube video came up, or a post on Facebook who changes how one is notified every time improvements made.
No more can I partner with those not producing content how they should for set brand. It then is look at me to create and share things that take time out to get while not a dime is covering the time. It is time consuming and many need to get that when one is telling them within the scope of what they do they will be promoted, they too need to keep one abreast. I no longer take on more than I can chew as it pertains to the needs many have that assume I will deliver with next to no content and very meager events happening to share that tie in their brand. Just my thoughts and love when some realize what it all entails as to why so easy for me to walk away. Just love for all who have been left alone would also remember all that transpired. I made my apologies to some and others who feel to shove things constantly in ones face after no longer dealing with just shows why so much is the way it is. Many love what they see and do not get all the work it took to make it pop. Some were easier than others and others were harder to make pop due to so many inconsistencies that can have one in my position left with time consuming work and why it costs. Unless one is a youth meant to be helped, no more doing more than my fair share. No way. Had I known then the true beast it was, the language of first contract would have added some safety nets I now put in the new contracts. I want to position well so those promoted get their time to shine well outside Facebook and Instagram, the worst two bubbles of social media.
Saturday, May 2, 2015
Side Tracked: Social Media Management Is Like Life A Roller Coaster
It is May 2nd, 2015 around noon and just on my laptop researching, monitoring and pinning. Yes, pinning to some cool new boards my company has on HAY Online - Pinterest and while uploading a mix from a entertainment partner Haitian All-StarZ. Love their Whitney Houston tribute and waiting to upload it a couple places I have space to. Now, back to the epiphany if one wants to call it that. The adaptive nature one needs to have to manage social media is sometimes not understood by some who seek out this service or who try to implement themselves.
As one understands the ability to change is not so easy for many to grasp as it is not easy for many to get some things change from one moment to the next pertaining to Social Media management. Whether it is the current events of the day that deem one to switch story line, client requested change, or just not appropriate any more for one reason or another, life is like this.
We are always evolving and reinventing ourselves and so should the Social Media campaign. This is why those stuck on one direction at a time are having a hard time grasping there needs to be a mix up even if at first the rewards are not seen. The point of this is to learn the audience and give them something different. Now, whether they like it or not is a different story and should be monitored through insights. From every trials and tribulations of life one goes through and learns from is what many should take away from set backs via social interactions online. Do not take a failed campaign to heart more than the analytic data you must analyze to learn from. Next time those lessons learned can be applied and adjustments to campaign can be made as one makes them in their daily lives based on one thing or another.
Life is just a roller-coaster many need to take a chill pill on, same as many need to take a breather from a set back online and jump back in the game that may have changed since the last you were in it. Social media management is becoming more analytic data driven and many need to take notes on their brands performance online to gauge where to spend time growing their presence. If only on one platform, spread out the same way in life one should not put their eggs in one basket. The same way one handling their brands social media should not put their promotion in one basket or on "Bubble"(For another post SMH). Online Presence Diversity is simply getting your brand on platforms you can manage that hit many markets that may find benefits in what you offer.
Branch out and learn each platform well. Learn its weaknesses and strengths and build your campaigns around each one. Twitter, we all know is 140 characters, so put your links, handles and brief description within this on platforms that link to Twitter. If you have a url/link shortener then use it so more characters can be fit in. Twitter does this automatically yet do not leave to chance the full message not being clear. Facebook allows more characters and yet many who link to Twitter forget to make sure message is clear in the first 140 characters and the rest can go in-depth for those willing to read the lengthy message/status update/post description. One thing I will always reiterate is that, ones content on social media should be found on their site with helpful information that is relevant to what is shared. Elaborating on the subject shared on their platforms. Well back to the grind of the forever changing internet landscape. Have a productive weekend! I know I will.
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