
Monday, June 11, 2018

Money Making Monday AQDN: Appreciate My Son's Father, Ross

Ross, my son's father, may he continue to be fortunate. When your son's father respects your hustle and sends you business, that is winning! May we always stay amicable. God knows how to work things out for the best. 😉

#SideNote May the other stay on his papers and pay for his lies. Some you just do not fuck with. Others understand that doing good to others can bring bigger rewards. Loving this Money Making Monday! Oh how they are back after moving into a more peaceful environment after another one left that was a God send at Sirlenzo's.

First time in my life at a place with one who did to me as I did to many. Waking up to a positive, "Have a great day Nance..." was great and miss it. Yet, this new chapter is good to know someone who cares for you has you, is mature enough to discuss disagreements and shows you love daily is rewarding. All I want is stability and those around who care. Is that too much to ask?