
Thursday, April 18, 2019

Aquarius Dawn Nancy: New Gig for Staffing Agency on Rosslyn's Birthday but RIP Today

by Aquarius Dawn Nancy

Aquarius Dawn Nancy at her new gig for 1st SOS Staffing
Aquarius Dawn Nancy at her new gig for Staffing AgencyAge Rosslyn's Birthday #RIPToday

Today is going swell. I am soon to go watch Annie, the movie about orphan Annie. Then post about blogger, a great Google product and then just go to bed early for second day.

Really appreciate new job and glad it's orderly. Great hours and time to homeschool Goddess-Isis. I took a nap after leaving work and work a little before 4pm. That is great and had time to prep and chill.

© Unknown but currently how I feel.

May this week continue great and wishing all genuine people out there greatness! Got to win eventually! All in the mind how life for you respectively is. I choose to stay positive and optimistic about the future but a pessimist once I notice patterns. Got to bail when some old patterns are noticed, nothing good came of them. Lessons learned and I have had enough. Easily move on and quicker to. No time to waste. Bye now, going back to my cave, ha.

Monday, April 15, 2019

Aquarius Dawn Nancy | Royale L'radin Is My Life Coach

Quote from Royale L'radin on Aquarius Dawn Nancy Blog
© Royale L'radin
Aquarius Dawn Nancy's online life coach, yes ladies and gentlemen Royale L'radin.

Love the messages one can see in a Image Search or Text Search when using his content. This one on teams hits home. Those who underestimate you must be left alone. The day this great Haitian-American content creator  of motivational products was found can be called "Heaven Sent".

Starting today I will post daily quotes by friends I follow who motivate me to deal with some disgusting situations and disgusting human behavior online with offline.

I have always believed in teams but many come to you as wolves in sheep's clothing. Or they will see the potential and sabotage all you worked hard for. I have trusted people and learned. Had many mentors mad at me for holding on to people who outright tried me. It was hard but once I did let go, I grew more online. So great to have a team and many want that but not all find those genuine to partner. They come  complaining about mistreatment and then mistreat you.

No sir, I am done and why my team now is the few who stayed true and corporate business solution providers like 1and 1 IONOS or Kinko's. All that Up and Coming, get a hint I can do it myself, and then come back to you with a mess they think you can quickly fix no time for. Delays to filming interviews, getting flyers for events after the date passed, made to look a fool because one you look out for still not getting back to you with content you need to create intended effect timely, then mad at you not ever understanding their spiteful envious behavior is detected online and limits them most. So I started thanking all who still helped even when they thought their antics would have dead me. Some who do not understand why SEO is or works will think my blocking is reciprocating treatment.
Nope, it really does hurt to be associated with people who do bad SEO or do not acknowledge you even when linked to you. It tells bots learning about deep connection much.

A good SEO will tell you to unfollow or block this link whose inactivity is giving off negative signals. Each reason is respective, but one must understand that association online is an area hard to control. Once you mention another entity, possibility of coming up under their searches greater.

All I do is look up things and just smile saying, "Hmmm, where are they?"👀Well, good day!

Friday, April 12, 2019

Aquarius Dawn Nancy | I Had A Daughter Rosslyn N McGhie Who Died, Can I Get That Acknowledged?

Aquarius Dawn Nancy remembers Rosslyn Nancy McGhie 4-17-07 died 4-18-07
My baby angel Rosslyn Nancy McGhie
4/17/07 - 4/18/07
Do I have, "Nancy has no feelings, never needs a hug during April,or just tell her to "Suck it Up" if she says she is sad around this time of year written on my forehead? I am like, what did I do to always yearly have that one whom puts "foot in mouth" when I explain why I am ghost? The one year I decide to be more visible this month when I usually lay low, I get worst text reply from a jerk. One reason I hold out. I watch how others are treated and wonder, why they get I understand but I get "I am busy, no time to be weak...catch you later." So, I will block all I do not need reminder are out for ass but cannot get why I wanted more and if not getting it without having to say, "I am hurting and you want my company for ass, but can we just cuddle? My mind is on being with you in a intimate way but to be consoled too." - My thoughts

Since year in and out disappointed by family who never once acknowledge my first born, never said Happy Birthday or call during April to ask how doing I just lay low. This is why when I share on my private profile among friends I actually know, whom I do not expect more than likes from, appreciate those who do call with come over to keep me company. As to love interests, not one even the father of my daughter or guy dating at time month comes around has ever said, "Happy Birthday to Rosslyn your baby angel".

So my tough exterior shows while some days close to her birth and death I just do not reply or talk to anyone. Thanks to all who do check in and no matter opinion, some are too much there for others how they wish others would be at certain ttimes. When that comes short it can make one feel a way. I feel like why can I not get that too, empathy you know? I get the keep strong comments some need to keep to self. Some just need a shoulder 😭✌️🤦🏿‍♀️#Blocked

I will always hate Hollywood Police Dept for their unprofessional handling, police reporting and crooked behavior.  Karma is a bitch but still to not have my baby angel ashes is what hurts now most. They were stolen and all retaliation went through had me grieving two losses, my baby angels ashes and two years daughter taken over false allegations. So if I do not entertain some types anymore, just know I tried to be there for some but have no time more to waste. I was to be cremated and our ashes combined so that little last hand squeeze would be followed by us touching again, "Ashes to ashes, dust to dust." I love you Rosslyn and know you existed!

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Aquarius Dawn Nancy | Money Matters : Tips Housekeeping At A Resort

Yesterday, my last day at an assignment for a Housekeeping gig I got a $20 tip. Coming from just being without a place, to now a roommate, a great Agency working for, and gaining more footing with help from friends it was a relief. I was able to order in after a sad disappointing day. All I know I wish all malicious intent individuals well as they deal with their Karmic Fate. I have reasons I do not wish ill nor hang around disgusting people who are spineless with no accountability. My dear! Universe was protecting my tail and these guests made sure I ate another day with take a Lyft home with my healing knee. Thank you and God bless you guys too!

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

AQDN | Enough Is Enough

I am over being nice to some who need to be dealt with. Today was the most humiliating work day. Because I asked for proper equipment they finally got last weekend supposedly but still majority I did not get, I was let go of a permanent assignment I got through a great agency. They are very disorganized at that resort and to be "Perp Walked" so to speak by security like I did something wrong was much. How are you hounding ladies on time but know half do not have proper equipment? They will get their karma and hopefully they get better management because the things I had to put up with are terrible. Too many leave that job, high turnover. They have to do better. Cannot overwork, have favortism, when I tell you someone calling a Supervisor a name you ignore, ask for training you ignore and then just fire someone you did not train, did not provide proper equipment, always on a hunt, only see key people working while others get lighter work. No one will stay. I tried and today after still three hours later no vacuum, I called my Agency and then it all happened. So will go to Labor Pool because I am not out here "Selling Pussy". I have done it before and I will again, work construction jobs that will allow women. Tired of discrimination, being disrespected, and then skirt under the rug out the door. Too much is obvious malicious hands at play. How can you say you care about company you have a high position in but be the reason it looses business or gets bad reviews? How can you put blame on employees for things management is supposed to make sure ran well? Much passing the buck and sorry for those ladies. Do not ask what is wrong and do nothing. If you cannot get why a problem, then you are not cut out for the job. I should not have to tell you, especially when never trained properly. Like all the not stripping a room, it was done on purpose. If grown, muscular men are panting after stripping a hotel bed, what the hell do you think the housekeeping women feel? Then to make the bed to standard with linen half the time stained but on time crunch to go to half filled closets that add time to huge rooms. Resorts need more housemen the two to three. Then some are discriminately overworked. Poor Enzo and Marquis, while Luis the lazy houseman that is seen but does nothing. Too much favortism and how is it they keep their jobs if so mad about reviews and ratings. I notice a pattern that proves many conspiracies right. Many are shook to fact too many up on the game. Just shows someone intimidated to do all this today. All involved sealed their fate. One reason I live by treating others how I would want to be treated. You reap what you sow! Never hurt a "Innocent"! #MyDearWatson I like online most, at least there I get why the manipulation. People are nasty for no reason that does not helps them. Why waste energy on being mean? Why follow my data outputs for insight, why? I know!

Sunday, April 7, 2019

Pinch Me, Am I Dreaming About Meeting Royale L'radin ?

by Aquarius Dawn Nancy

Pinch Me - Am I Dreaming About Meeting Royale L'radin
Aquarius Dawn Nancy and Royale L'radin Meet in Miami Gardens April 2019

When I tell you I love me some Royale L'radin, I mean it! 

Pinch me please!

I must be dreaming!? 

I just met a man I admire, listen to and has me reflecting much on my moves lately. Since I met him years ago while searching for content we have been cordial and concerned in each other's pursuits. He was receptive to me reaching out to him asking permission to share his quotes freely as long as I gave proper credit. Learning he was of Haitian descent was a gold mine. 

So, the sprinkling of his messages that fall in line with Haitian American Youth Online has been a labor of love. He makes HAY Online look good. All our Gems make my heart string be relevant. I felt like an important person tonight because someone I hold in celebrity status came to see little ole me🤗. Gosh, his cologne still lingers and we met near my abode in Miami Gardens. Well, to unwind before another work day. My figure is coming back down to 125 lbs with the Housekeeping Exercises I have been doing. In all, April is starting to be a happier month. Normally depressed and crying over my baby angel Rosslyn Nancy McGhie. This year so many of my friends check me, family is looking out, and just having great experiences. Taking it all day to day. For example, today walking to Publix with my son, my older sister's ex husband, Norilean sees us and gives a ride there with home. I can say that all these experiences are happening for a reason and no room for making same limiting decisions. God provides. I just am tickled I met Royale in person. I think I may have a crush😊 Bye.

Aquarius Dawn Nancy Reflections | Room Decor and More On My Mind

by Aquarius Dawn Nancy

Will be on a mission to fill my bare room I have with items my entrepreneur friends make or sell. Part of #SupportUs behavior I push on HAY Online, I want to incorporate in my personal life. Have much in updates to share as in life situations. After split from last "Situstionship" I am staying by myself while I date to find my Steadman. Recently though, I met a great prospect. He is older, stable, and runs a family business with his father. I always love dating entrepreneur ambitious brothers, but many still do not know how to separate relationship matters from work. So my lessons learned dictate I fix credit to semi-own since never fully your if taxes skimped on, focus on online presence websites content must come from and create more blogs.

I see Google who messed up my connection to my community Haitian American Youth Online is tripping about Gsuite user this and that. Like their data does not show ownership? They still will not help me get back my community it was separated. My "Dear Watson" 🤦🏿‍♀️!

All this Artificial Intelligence used, why is it they do not look at data showing I own it and return ownership?  Some things you think are done cause they do not know what they are doing or they purposely do these things to sabotage. As tracking can hurt us, it can show those collecting our data what is what. Hopefully they do right seeing how many years community online. These updates are great in showing I was right twenty years ago with predictability capability getting better in deep learning and reasoning in query searches. Now, all we need to pay for is getting others to search our categories of content lol that spans all over web.

Well, that is all folks...let me get back to researching and planning posting of new HAY Online youths to share. I actually went to school with their dad from middle school and high school. My passion to be there like no one was for me is deep. I went through to many wanting to copy , talk trash not understanding I was helping and those who ruined business. Well, vindication comes in my posts now getting online in minutes as long as SEO right. Others paying Google AdWords and AdSense while Organic Search is good because SEO was always key focus since 2001. Well then, using Webmaster practices that get search bots to crawl content, when make sure keywords in text I wanted to catch. To see terms like HAY Online News or HAY Online Sports catch in minutes based on content I wrote is what makes me dance behind scenes to my Video Emotions I will use to teach seminars. Love all the copycats because they help too😘