
Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Aquarius Dawn Nancy | "No one can value free!" Say No More


I just know I am looking for twenty mentors at $250 who want my services, can pay, and receive great Online Presence service they are willing to Review, Mentor a Youth into what they do, and receive top SEO with Content solely created to promote their mission online.

Benefit for Brand or Public Figure: They get expert service tailored to their Intentional Content Dissemination. Basically they get guidance on how to optimally go about their unique posting strategy. If their predicament calls for HAY Online Media Associates to manage their Online Presence, we do it for the $250 fee yearly.

Benefit for HAY Online Media: We get to provide scholarships with those proceeds. We get to keep basic tools paid for in full so continual support of youth initiatives. Builds up reputation in a vanity metrics manner with Reviews sharing the results. We can help youth start ups managed and monitored by Haitian American Youth Online Media! 

Get it, got it, good!

Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Aquarius Dawn Nancy|•| Showering The Wrong People With Love |•| Vee Becoming Dawn Nancy | November Update To Why Ghost Last Month


Showering The Wrong People With Love Quote Reflection Shared

"Pouring water on a rock does not make it soft. Are you showering the wrong people with your time, love, and attention? " - Vee Becoming ( (at)vee_becoming )

Her words really spoke to this morning as I researched online presences, monitored clients online presence, and study a marketing course another client has me in to handle that. This person knows I learn fast as well so took the task on because it helps my personal goals. 

The women helped around the world joining "Noahs Ark" hashtag #NoahsArk will be kept online no matter their speed to getting SEO. More to it then just using the hashtag but one who understand how I share things, it will always be a mystery lol. (Ask for clarity, but do not assume)

The end goal is for them to do as I have, stay afloat and come up in search. 

Now the experts I am in groups with I learn of who are trust worthy I will use content to share with those interested. 

Really loving the reception and look forward to my first head shot. Still behind the scenes but my other venture is going to need my face present. 

New developments, got back into consulting and registered that end. Grateful always sent clients who get it and so far all end up providing the service. Reviews are great and Chisa Barrett did one where it counts huge, LinkedIn.