
Monday, July 29, 2019

Aquarius Dawn Nancy | Placing an order at RemiMa's Kitchen for Honey Garlic Shrimp and Griot Complet | RemiMa's Delectable Dinners

by Aquarius Dawn Nancy

Aquarius Dawn Nancy Placing An Order at RemiMa's Kitchen for Honey Garlic Shrimp and Griot Complet Delectable Dinners

I am "Back Sliding" right into a #DelectableDinner from RemiMa's Delectable Dinners, Honey Garlic Shrimp and Griot Complet.

Always wanted to try a plate, my greedy ass sure is trying two dinners and from the RemiMa's menu.

I will share with you guys in next post later this evening after the love session with Rosemary and her mother's cooking.

As a Haitian-American Entrepreneur myself, I can say we do have true friends around us supporting our dreams with compensation, Rosemary and I. She has given me "Word of Mouth" business while pregnant and high risk. I laid on my left side doing work for a client she referred to me and my then mate. She was and still is a good-hearted put  money in your pocket kind of friend. My Lucky Bamboo, yes, Rosemary is.

Do not be cheap, be wise to know when you can afford to supoort. True friends understand why at moment you cannot if case. I got a blessing today that will help me hustle harder. The sky is the limit but my tail has been craving a taste of the beautiful pictures of food I always see in my feeds.

Yes, plural feeds, because I have multiple for business profiles that follow them, @remimaskitchen509 .

Will  save some for my son who is at his grandmother's where I dropped him off. I had to go home after three weeks at my mom's while I transitioned from bus riding to driving my dad's van.

Quick Updates:
So, I will be getting the van and going into overdrive to pay back great support when I was not working and getting things together. Working on my credit, myself. Opening a spot. Preparing ads for @vontronixllc remote control toys for sale. Dropping more non-supporters. Starting to go out more by myself. Homeschooling and setting up multiple sources of income to not ever be in need asking but myself for loans. Pay it forward with projects dreamy of soon to be a reality. Have a Real Estate mentor among many I will blog about. Just happy and tired.

Hungry munchies too! That is why my boo @papis_ol_girl was called to put my order in for... #RemiMasDelectableDinners #RemiMasKitchen #AquariusDawnNancy

Friday, July 12, 2019

Aquarius Dawn Nancy | With Every Blessing Quote by Royale L'radin

by Aquarius Dawn Nancy

Quote With Every Blessing by Royale L'radin
With Every Blessing Quote by Royale L'radin

"With every blessing received, a level up is required to keep it." - @royalelradin

This is true, with every blessing, one should change their ways to accommodate them. It is a slap in the God within you face that brought about the blessing to not make changes to suit it. If the low point, beginning of quality point or just novice level is overcome, one must be packaged for the next level they are now in. I know I am leveling up from a Cacoon to next stage.

Watch as many hands will be transforming this "Tom Boy" into a businesswoman by day and a darling by night. Right  now at Combined Services doing hospital laundry with great people and love the environment. It allows me to take online courses and homeschool Goddess-Isis while saving to be self-sufficient.

First things first, I need to pay off debts now that People Ready Miami found me a weekly ticket I hope to make permanent.

Feels good to go from broke to working daily when I can.

So pray for me great people who believe in the "Power of Prayer" that next week Wednesday my Mamogram at Memorial West turns out fine. Two lumps found in my right breast scared me to get it checked at ER and the doctors at Memorial have been great. It is hard not having healthcare and dealing pay check to pay check working Per Diem jobs always borrowing. As of last week, borrowing stopped. Rather work days I find jobs on Job Stack to pay off things or have disposable cash for when with my kids.

I have decided to just push harder, relax more on off hours with my kids and focus on my transformation. The "Level Up"!