
Thursday, May 21, 2015

Partnering With Content Creators Is A Must.

 Now how to share their content is where much one can be penalized for comes into play. There are different kinds of media pacts, media partnerships or just partnerships period. How they are structured is up to the parties involved. Some on the other hand are setting theirs up all off kilter in my opinion and as to practices in online branding is concerned. Many are claiming partnerships that are a bit confusing. Though many state them, it is how they "Train The Web" on them that is off. If not continuously reiterating the partnership where it counts for your brand it is a waste to stick to whatever is being done now. This means if Twitter works best to share what your brand does then do it there more than Facebook. I did not say only promote there. I said share things telling about what your brand has to offer on the optimal platform for it. When posting whether "Real Time", postponed or queued it needs to be tying in something relevant and the back end should do the same. So titles need to be on point within the logical scheme of your brands specific "Train The Web" branding online. So the search engines get a clear picture as to your partners, your specific unique branded content marketing or promotion strategy, and can present it well online. This is why a brand has to be implementing all SEO practices whether they "DIY" it themselves or pay another to. Now as to Social Media, one must adhere to one text and link combination a day. Meaning, if the same wording and link already was shared, do not keep sharing it. Find a new way to phrase and relevant tying into campaign content link to convey same message that is specific to how you are "Training The Web". So this is one reason I state some get it, #Twisted. Though there is much to get twisted. Of to more catching up with all these gigs coming in and the car search still one with the kill switch issue which was not one just did not like having to use it. #SideNote is always me going off subject. Tootles!

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